
Command line interface library for PHP

0.3.0 2021-06-12 19:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 02:08:26 UTC


This library helps you to create CLI applications quicky.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require martijnvdb/php-cli


Add the composer autoloader to your application and create a new instance of the CLI class. To run the application, use the run() method. This example will be placed in a file called myapp (without the .php extension).

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Martijnvdb\PhpCli\Cli;

$cli = (new Cli('First CLI App', '0.1.0'))->run();

To add a default command to the application use the add() method. Use a callback function as the first argument. This callback will be called without giving any extra arguments. To execute the script, run php myapp.

$cli = new Cli('First CLI App', '0.1.0');

$cli->add(function ($input, $output) {
        // ...

The add() method can also be used to register a command to your application. This example will be executed by running php myapp helloworld.

$cli = new Cli('First CLI App', '0.1.0');

$cli->add('helloworld', function ($input, $output) {
        // ...

Using the $options variable

The $options object will contain all the command line arguments. You can retrieve the values using the all() and get() methods. The example will return the following while running php myapp helloworld --message "Hello, World!"'.

$cli->add('helloworld', function ($options, $output) {
    // This will return all options
    $options = $options->all();
    // This will return the value of the '--message' option
    $message = $options->get('--message'); 
    // Will return the value of the '--message' or '-m' option
    $message = $options->get('--message', '-m');
    // $options = ["--message" => "Hello, World!"];
    // $message = "Hello, World!";

Using the $output variable

The $output object will help you formatting your output.

BB Code

This library support a custom version of BB code to help you style your output. You can mix and match any tags as long as they start with an opening and closing tag.

$output->line('[bold]Bold Text[/bold]');
$output->line('[red]Red Text[/red]');
$output->line('[bg:green]Green Background[/bg:green]');
$output->line('[bg:white][magenta][italic]Italic magenta text on a white background[/italic][/magenta][/bg:white]');

These will change the style of the text.

[bold], [b], [dim], [italic], [i], [underline], [u], [blink], [inverse], [reverse], [invisible], [strikethrough], [s]

Text colors

These will change the color of the text.


Background colors

These will change the background color of the text.

[bg:black], [bg:red], [bg:green], [bg:yellow], [bg:blue], [bg:magenta], [bg:cyan], [bg:white]

$output Methods

The $output object contains the following methods:

Basic text

Four basis text output methods. The only difference between them is how they handle new lines.

$output->echo(string $value = '');
$output->line(string $value = '');
$output->lines(array $lines = []);
$output->paragraph(string $value = '');


Output the current version of the application.



Output a formatted column. The $rows variable is an array containing arrays in which each entry is a cell. The $column_styles variable allows you to style a full column in the same style. You should use the BB code without brackets for this.

$output->columns(string $label, array $rows = [], array $column_styles = []);

Take a look at examples/generate to see some examples of how to use these methods.

Input Helper Class

This library also contains a helper class which allows the application to easily get a specific input of the user.

$input = Input::text(string $label)->get();
$input = Input::number(string $label)->get();
$input = Input::url(string $label)->get();
$input = Input::email(string $label)->get();
$input = Input::choice(string $label, array $options)->get();

Example of the choice input helper:

$input = Input::choice('[yellow]Select an option[/yellow] [green](1/2/3)[/green]:', [
        '1' => 'Option 1',
        '2' => 'Option 2',
        '3' => 'Option 3'

Input methods

Force the use to give an input

If the given input is empty, then a required message will show up.

$input->required(string $message);

Set a default

If the user doesn't give an input, the given default value will be returned.


Set the invalid message

The message that will show up when the user enters an invalid input.

$input->setInvalidMessage(string $message);

Set the input styling

The $options array can be filled with BB code tags without the brackets (eg. ['red', 'bold']).

$input->inputStyling($options = []);

Progress Helper Class

The Progress class shows a progressbar in the console. Using a float between 0 and 1 as an argument in the set() method, you can set the current percentage of the progressbar. The progressbar will also display how long it is running and the expected remaing time (ETA). The start() method will start the timer for those values. The stop() method will stop the timers and the progressbar.

$progress = Progress::new();

Progress Customization

You can customize the look of the progressbar using the size(), foreground() and background() methods.

// Default size

// Default templates