
Alternative to route:list console command with more emphasis on route names, shortened controller names, more compact middleware view and other small tweaks.

v1.1.1 2023-04-21 08:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-21 10:38:34 UTC



Alternative to route:list console command with more emphasis on route names, shortened controller names, more compact middleware view and other small tweaks.

As of Laravel 9, the route:list command output has changed. In this new output, route names are not alligned and printed in a dark color. Also, the default output does not list middleware. This package replaces the existing console command. The new output will:

  • vertically align the route names, immediately after the route uri's
  • highlight the route names
  • replace the fixed string Controller in the route action by a single character © to save horizontal space
  • replace the @ sign in the route action by (one glyph)
  • list the middlewares by default
  • shorten the middlewares into their aliases as known via the App\Http\Kernel class (unless the -v option is added)
  • place middleware on as few lines as possible
  • make use of the full available horizontal space
  • replace the fully dotted fillers by fewer dots, neatly alligned


composer require martenkoetsier/laravel-routelist

The automatic package discovery will add the service provider to your project.


Usage is as with the original route list command in Laravel:

php artisan route:list

Adding verbosity (-v) will not shorten the middleware names into their applicable aliases and instead list the full middleware class names.