
Stripe payment provider for marqant/marqant-pay package.


This package makes the stripe payment provider available for the marqant/marqant-pay package.


You can just require this package through composer as follows.

composer require marqant-lab/marqant-pay-stripe

Then you have to add the service infomration to the services.php configuration file of Laravel. To do so, update the configuration file as shown below.

return [
    // other services
    // ...

    'stripe' => [
        'key'    => env('STRIPE_KEY'),
        'secret' => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),

Next you have to add the environment variables. Go to your stripe dashboard and get your stripe key and secret, so you can add it to your .env file.


Now go ahead and enable the payment provider in the marqant-pay.php configuration file.

return [
     | Gateways
     | In this section you can define all payment gateways that you need for
     | your project.

    'gateways' => [
        'stripe' => \Marqant\MarqantPayStripe\StripePaymentGateway::class,

Next you will need to add the fields for stripe on the billables you setup in the marqant-pay setup. So run the following for each billable model that you have setup (or will setup).

php artisan marqant-pay:migrations:stripe

If you are using the marqant-lab/marqant-pay-subscriptions package to enable subscriptions, then you will need to add the --subscriptions flag to the choosen command.

php artisan marqant-pay:migrations:stripe --subscriptions

Now you can run the migrations as usual.

php artisan migrate

And that's it, you should be good to go now.


We using spatie/laravel-stripe-webhooks package for stripe webhooks.



You can find the secret used at the webhook configuration settings on the Stripe dashboard.

run $ php artisan migrate if you don't do it before.

Go to your your_project/app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php and add this row:

     * The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
     * @var array
    protected $except = [

Finally, take care of the routing:
At the Stripe dashboard you must configure at what url Stripe webhooks should hit your app.

You should set it up to '/stripe/webhook'.

Example of Endpoint URL:

Available stripe events:

  • payment_intent.succeeded
  • invoice.payment_succeeded
  • payment_intent.payment_failed
  • charge.failed (not completed)

For 'payment_intent.payment_failed' you should set configs 'marqant-pay.payment_urls.base_url' and 'marqant-pay.payment_urls.payment_sub_url',
description at config file.
You need also look at 'marqant-pay.support_emails' config.

You can also add to project/resources/lang these keys for translate:

  • "Here"
  • "Payment failed."
  • "Requires payment method."
  • "You needs to update your payment method in the"
    Don't forget: it should be json file.

Example resources/lang/en.json:

  "Payment failed.": "Payment failed translation."

They are used at emails for 'payment_intent.payment_failed' event

That's all you need