
Package for assign and get media files with Eloquent models through GraphQL.

v0.0.17 2021-04-21 10:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 18:13:46 UTC


This package contains GraphQL queries and mutations to manage any type of media files and make them attacheable to any given model.


We use Lighthouse for GraphQL.

The management of the mediafiles is based on the spatie/laravel-medialibrary package.

By default this package uses Model from config auth.providers.users.model for assign files.
But you can change this after publish package config and change 'laravel-medialibrary-graphql.models.default' value.


Require the package through composer.

composer require marqant-lab/laravel-medialibrary-graphql

You will have to run the migrations to setup the media table.

php artisan migrate

Publish the configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Marqant\LaravelMediaLibraryGraphQL\Providers\LaravelMediaLibraryGraphQLServiceProvider" --tag=config

In this config you can specify a model to assign files to ('models.default') and many other settings. The model should implements Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia interface and use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia trait.

For example User model:

use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;
class User extends ... implements HasMedia
    use InteractsWithMedia;
    // ...

Also you can add as many models as you need.
Example of config:

     * Model(s) to attach media files to
     * by default User model
     * you can specify any model to attach media files
    'models' => [
        'default' => config('auth.providers.users.model'),
        'one_more_model' => \Some\Namespace\Model::class,

But in this case you need to send 'model' param for getMedia() query and uploadFile() and deleteAllMedia() mutations.
If 'model' param is empty (null) then 'models.default' model will be taken to attach files.

If you need Spatie\MediaLibrary config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="config"

If you plan to use the web route 'media/download/' to download files, add the MEDIA_API_KEY variable to your .env file to secure your application's downloads with an api key.

You need to set this key as 'apiKey' at headers.

Content-Type: application/json  
apiKey: {your_secure_api_key}  

This package uses it's own @guardMedia directive for secure.
By default 'guard' in config is 'sanctum' but you can change it after publish package's config file.
You can setup our marqant-lab/auth-graphql package for auth and follow all instructions of the package.

After this add import to your schema.graphql

#import ../vendor/marqant-lab/lighthouse-json/graphql/*.graphql
#import ../vendor/marqant-lab/laravel-medialibrary-graphql/graphql/*.graphql


Query Requires input Returns
getMedia id: Int! (ID of the model need to delete all files from), [Media]
model: String (model key from config, if null 'default'
model will be taken)
downloadMedia uuid: String! String!


Mutation Requires input Returns
uploadFile id: Int! (ID of the model need to attach file to), [Media]
file: Upload!,
model: String (model key from config,
if null 'default' model will be taken),
name: String, properties: Json
deleteMedia uuid: String! String
deleteAllMedia id: Int! (ID of the model need to delete all files from), String
model: String (model key from config,
if null 'default' model will be taken),

uploadFile mutation example:

mutation UploadFile($id: Int!, $file: Upload!, $model: String, $name: String, $properties: Json) {
  uploadFile(id: $id, file: $file, model: $model, name: $name, properties: $properties) {
    "id": 1,
    "model": null,
    "name": "PDF file",
    "properties": {
        "title": "test title",
        "description": "test description"

plus 'file' type Upload (models)

response example:

  "data": {
    "uploadFile": [
        "name": "PDF file",
        "fileName": "001.pdf",
        "path": "",
        "url": "",
        "downloadUrl": "",
        "properties": "{\"title\":\"test title\",\"description\":\"test description\"}",
        "type": "pdf",
        "uuid": "4bb0e054-e98f-4906-b3f5-0277fd63a194"


If you want to execute package tests add this to the phpunit.xml

<testsuite name="LaravelMedialibraryGraphQL">
    <directory suffix="Test.php">./vendor/marqant-lab/laravel-medialibrary-graphql/tests</directory>

And after you can check it by executing:

php artisan test --group=GraphQLMediaLibrary
# or
phpunit --group=GraphQLMediaLibrary