
Provides functionality to catch PHP warnings during any function or method call.

0.1.0 2022-10-31 15:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 17:45:58 UTC



Warbsorber (Warnings absorber)

The Problem

Many built-in PHP functions emit warning messages in case of failures. It's done very dirty - echoing directly to output and catchable only when having an special error handler installed.

Modern (proper) way to transfer failure details would be of course by using Exceptions but due legacy reasons that's not possible for lot's of old built-in functions and will probably never be "fixed".

The Solution

This library provides a wrapper for executing arbitrary codeblock, which has tendency to spit out warnings, notices or errors.

All those messages are "absorbed" by the wrapper and returned nicely after the codeblock is executed for later inspection.



  • PHP >= 8.0


Install with composer:

composer require margusk/warbsorber


use function margusk\Warbsorber;

$fopenWarnings = Warbsorber(function () use (&$fp) {
    $fp = fopen("php://non-existent-stream", "r");

if (!$fp) {
    echo "fopen() failed with messages: \n";

    foreach ($fopenWarnings as $entry) {
        echo "- " . $entry->errStr . "\n";


fopen() failed with messages:
- fopen(): Invalid php:// URL specified
- fopen(php://non-existent-stream): Failed to open stream: operation failed

The code above shows how we're calling fopen which is destined to fail. Instead of just getting false as return value we also catch textual reasons why the call failed. Those reasons can be later presented to end user for fixing.

Remove function name from the beginning of message

What if we want to concatenate all messages into single paragraph? We already know that the messages are related to fopen() so message beginnings (fopen(): and fopen(php://non-existent-stream):) are actually irrelevant and excessive information.

Let's get rid of them by using removeFunctionPrefix(string $funcName) method:

use function margusk\Warbsorber;

$fopenWarnings = Warbsorber(function () use (&$fp) {
    $fp = fopen("php://non-existent-stream", "r");

if (!$fp) {
    $fopenWarnings = $fopenWarnings->removeFunctionPrefix('fopen');

    echo "fopen() failed with: "
            '. ',
                fn(Entry $e) => $e->errStr,

Now the output is much cleaner:

fopen() failed with: Invalid php:// URL specified. Failed to open stream: operation failed.

Note that $fopenWarnings is immutable object, which makes removeFunctionPrefix to return cloned instance with modified data.

Catch messages only with specific error levels

By default all messages regardless of level (e.g. E_WARNING, E_NOTICE etc.) are catched during codeblock execution. However this can be changed if needed by adding second parameter to Warbsorber call:

use function margusk\Warbsorber;

$fopenWarnings = Warbsorber(function () use (&$fp) {
    $fp = fopen("php://non-existent-stream", "r");

This catches only messages with level E_WARNING, E_NOTICE or E_DEPRECATED


Main wrapper Warbsorber(\Closure $callback, int $level = E_ALL): Warnings; returns instance of margusk\Warbsorber\Warnings

Class margusk\Warbsorber\Warnings

  • Implements IteratorAggregate, Countable and ArrayAccess
  • Each entry is instance of margusk\Warbsorber\Entry
  • Method getArrayCopy(): array returns messages in native array
  • Method removeFunctionPrefix(string $funcName): static removes specified function name from beginning of messages and returns cloned instance of itself

Class margusk\Warbsorber\Entry

  • Holds data for a single message:
    • $entry->errNo gets you error level
    • $entry->errStr gets you error message
    • $entry->errFile gets you file which triggered the error
    • $entry->errLine gets you line which triggered the error


This library is released under the MIT License.