dev-main 2024-12-26 19:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-26 19:23:29 UTC


A lightweight Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for PHP.


  • Simple and intuitive declaration of entities by adding Column Attributes to class properties
  • Supports various property types including Uuid, DateTime and Enums
  • Handles one-to-many and many-to-one relationships
  • Query provider for database interactions


Install via Composer:

composer require marekskopal/orm

Basic Usage

//Create DB connection
$database = new MysqlDatabase('localhost', 'root', 'password', 'database');

//Create schema
$schema = new SchemaBuilder()
    ->addEntityPath(__DIR__ . '/Entity')
$orm = new ORM($database, $schema);

//Create new entity
$user = new User(

//Find entity by id
$user = $orm->getRepository(User::class)
    ->findOne(['id' => 1]);

//Update entity
$user->firstName = 'Jane';

//Delete entity

Entity Declaration

You can declare entities by adding Entity attribute to class and Column attribute to class properties.

use MarekSkopal\ORM\Attribute\Column;
use MarekSkopal\ORM\Attribute\ColumnEnum;
use MarekSkopal\ORM\Attribute\Entity;

final class User
    #[Column(type: 'int', primary: true)]
    public int $id;

    public function __construct(
        #[Column(type: 'timestamp')]
        public DateTimeImmutable $createdAt,
        #[Column(type: 'varchar(255)')]
        public string $name
        #[Column(type: 'varchar(255)', nullable: true)]
        public string $email,
        #[Column(type: 'tinyint(1)')]
        public bool $isActive,
        #[ColumnEnum(enum: UserTypeEnum::class)]
        public UserTypeEnum $type,
    ) {

Table and column names are derived from class name and parameters, but can be customized by providing additional parameters to attributes.

#[Entity(table: 'users')]
final class User
    #[Column(type: 'varchar(255)', name: 'lastest_name')]
    public string $lastName;


You can define relationships between entities by adding ManyToOne or OneToMany attributes to class properties.

final class User
    #[ManyToOne(entityClass: Address::class)]
    public Address $address;

    #[OneToMany(entityClass: User::class)]
    public \Iterator $children;


You can use DateTime or DateTimeImmutable properties in entities. The library will automatically convert datetime or timestamp columns values to those to objects.

final class User
    #[Column(type: 'timestamp')]
    public DateTimeImmutable $createdAt;
    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    public DateTime $updatedAt;


You can use native PHP enums in entities. The library will automatically convert enum column values to enum objects.

use MarekSkopal\ORM\Attribute\ColumnEnum;

final class User
    #[ColumnEnum(enum: UserTypeEnum::class)]
    public UserTypeEnum $type;

Repository declaration

You can declare you repositories by extending AbstractRepository class and providing repository class in Entity attribute on entity class.

use MarekSkopal\ORM\Repository\AbstractRepository;

/** @extends AbstractRepository<User> */
class UserRepository extends AbstractRepository

#[Entity(repositoryClass: UserRepository::class)]
final class User



You can use QueryProvider to create queries.

$queryProvider = $orm->getQueryProvider();


You can create select queries using Select builder.

$user = $query = $queryProvider->select(User::class)
    ->where(['id' => 1])


You can use where method to filter results.

Multiple AND conditions can be crated either by passing array of conditions or by chaining where method.

//Array of conditions
$user = $queryProvider->select(User::class)
        'id' => 1,
        'isActive' => true

//Chained conditions
$user = $queryProvider->select(User::class)
    ->where(['id' => 1])
    ->where(['isActive' => true])

OR conditions can be created by using orWhere method.

$user = $queryProvider->select(User::class)
    ->where(['id' => 1])
    ->orWhere(['first_name' => 'John'])

You can also use where method with nested conditions by passing function.

// Create nested condition: (id = 1 AND (first_name = 'John' OR last_name = 'Doe'))
$user = $queryProvider->select(User::class)
    ->where(['id' => 1])
    ->where(function (Where $where) {
        $where->where(['first_name' => 'John']);
            ->orWhere(['last_name' => 'Doe']);

You can pass another instance of Select object to where method to create subquery.

$subquery = $queryProvider->select(Address::class)
    ->where(['city' => 'Brno']);
$user = $queryProvider->select(User::class)
    ->where('address_id', 'in', $subquery)

Long-running applications

If you are using ORM in long-running PHP applications like Roadrunner or Swoole, you should call clear method on ORM cache after each request to free memory.
