
package to pay with hyper pay payment gateway

dev-main 2023-01-29 21:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:14:45 UTC



You can install the package via Composer.

composer require maree/hyper-pay

Publish your hyper-pay config file with

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="maree\hyperPay\HyperPayServiceProvider" --tag="hyperPay"

then change your hyperPay config from config/hyperPay.php file

	"mode" => "test" , // test||live
    "token" =>  "",
    "entityIds" => [
        'VISA MASTER' => "",
        'STC_PAY'     => "",
        'MADA'        => "",
        'APPLEPAY'    => "",
        'AMEX'        => ""


first step

use maree\hyperPay\HyperPay;
$customerInfo = ['email' => '' , 'country' => 'EG' , 'givenName' => 'mohamed maree' ,'surname' => 'mohamed maree' , 'street1' => '23 elmagd' ,'city' => 'almehalla' ,'state' => 'gharbia' , 'postcode' => '1234'];
$brand = 'VISA MASTER'; //you can use 'VISA MASTER' or 'STC_PAY' or 'MADA' or 'APPLEPAY' or 'AMEX'
$response = HyperPay::checkout($amount = 1.0 ,$brand, $customerInfo);  


  • use 'VISA MASTER' as one brand or key not two different brands or keys
  • this function return ['checkoutId' => $checkoutId , 'responseData' => $responseData]
  • use checkoutId to save transaction in database
  • use checkoutId in view page in next step

second step

  • return view page with $checkoutId to show payment proccess
            z-index: 99;
            color : rgb(15, 13, 13);
        .wpwl-control, .wpwl-group-registration{
            position: relative;
            z-index: 99;
        .pay-link ul{
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;
            justify-content: center;
        .pay-link ul li{
            margin: 10px;
        .pay-link ul li img{
            width: 120px;
            height: 50px;
            max-width: 100%;
            direction:ltr !important;
    <!--  //you can use 'VISA MASTER' or 'STC_PAY' or 'MADA' or 'APPLEPAY' or 'AMEX' -->
    <form action="{{route('show-response-route')}}" class="paymentWidgets" data-brands="VISA MASTER"></form>
        var wpwlOptions = {
            locale: "ar",
    @if (config('hyperPay.mode') == 'live') 
        <script src="{{config('hyperPay.view_live_url').$checkoutId}}"></script>
        <script src="{{config('hyperPay.view_test_url').$checkoutId}}"></script>


  • create route for response url 'show-response-route' EX: Route::get('show-response-route', 'PaymentsController@paymentresponse')->name('show-response-route');
  • create function for checkout response 'paymentresponse'
  • use that function to check if payment failed or success

inside 'paymentresponse' function use:

use maree\hyperPay\HyperPay;
//$brand = 'VISA MASTER';// || STC_PAY || MADA || APPLEPAY || AMEX
// $transactionid = $request->resourcePath;
$response = HyperPay::checkoutResponseStatus($transactionid,$brand);  

return response like:

['key' => 'success' , 'msg'=> $description ,'checkoutId' => $checkoutId , 'responseData' => $responseData]  


['key' => 'fail'    , 'msg'=> $description ,'checkoutId' => $checkoutId , 'responseData' => $responseData];

note: you can use response from data to save transactions in database

  • Test Card Details
  • Card Number: Visa: 4111111111111111
  • CVV: 123
  • Expiry Date: 05/22
  • Card Name: Test Family


  • in apple pay you recieve text file from hyperpay then put it inside public/.well-known directory in your project without change that file name
  • you must use apple device to check it work successfuly
  • you must exists in country provide apple pay payments

current hyperpay package payment ways :

  • visa
  • master
  • mada
  • stc
  • apple pay
  • AMEX