
package to use elm wasl api to register and tracking cars and deivers الربط مع خدمات شركة علم خدمة وصل من هيئة النقل السعودية

dev-main 2023-07-05 21:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 23:55:25 UTC


  • note: that package created with wasl IG for dispatching Companies v2.18 maybe in future need some updates.


You can install the package via Composer.

composer require maree/elm-wasl

Publish your sms config file with

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="maree\elmWasl\ElmWaslServiceProvider" --tag="elm-wasl"

then change your elm-wasl config from config/elm-wasl.php file

    "client-id" => "",//example ACD7A113-XXXX-4B68-B125-xxxxxxxxxx
    "app-id"    => "", //example xd8e9xxx
    "app-key"   => "", //example xx5784489c7147220924b4abb8xxxxxx



  • to send driver and car to elm
use maree\elmWasl\elmWasl;

  • note : dateOfBirthGregorian in that format 'Y-m-d'
  • note : add mobile with country code ex: +9665000000000
  • note : leave space between plateLetters ex: 'a b c'
  • note : car plate Types exists in api documentation sent to you
$plateTypes = ['1' => 'خصوصي' ,'2' => 'نقل عام' ,'3' => 'نقل خاص' ,'4' => 'حافلة صغيرة عامة', '5' => 'حافلة صغيرة خاصة', '6' => 'اجرة' ,'7' => 'معدات ثقيلة', '8' => 'تصدير' ,'9' =>'دبلوماسي' ,'10' =>'دراجة نارية', '11' => 'مؤقت'];


  • to check if driver and car info that i sent to wasl accepted or refused or waiting
use maree\elmWasl\elmWasl;

elmWasl::waslCheckEligibility($identityNumber = '');
  • note : you run this service by cron job every day or 12 hour to check if driver accepted or refused and update his status in your app


  • to send trips that finished to wasl check first you sent that trip or no
use maree\elmWasl\elmWasl;

elmWasl::registerTrip($sequenceNumber ='',$driverId='',$tripId='',$distanceInMeters=0,$durationInSeconds=0,$customerRating=0.0,$customerWaitingTimeInSeconds=0,$originCityNameInArabic='',$destinationCityNameInArabic='',$originLatitude=0.0,$originLongitude=0.0,$destinationLatitude=0.0,$destinationLongitude=0.0,$pickupTimestamp='',$dropoffTimestamp='',$startedWhen='',$tripCost=0.0);
  • note : $sequenceNumber is car sequence number 'الرقم التسلسلي'


  • send moving captains updated locations
use maree\elmWasl\elmWasl;

  • note : you can use cron job to run that service every minute or you can execute that service inside update your driver locations api 'tracking drivers' to run every time driver location changes


if you have problem with dates you can convert them like that

    $pickupTimestamp = new DateTime($trip->pickupTimestamp, new DateTimeZone('Asia/Riyadh'));
    $pickupTimestamp = $pickupTimestamp->format(DateTime::ISO8601);

current elm wasl services :

  • waslRegisterDriverAndCar
  • waslCheckEligibility
  • registerTrip
  • registerCaptainsLocations