
Very simple PHP CLI for school projects.

v0.2.2 2018-04-01 12:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 04:53:40 UTC


To create a project, open your terminal and run the following command:

composer create-project marcus-campos/simple-php-cli MyCliAppName

Build commands

To build commands just run php run make: command <command_name>.


When you create your command, you will have access to the Util class. It will normally be available within your class scope, see how you use it:


namespace App\Commands;

use Console\BaseCommand;
use Console\Contracts\ConsoleContract;

class ClassName extends BaseCommand implements ConsoleContract
    public function execute()
        //Get the argument in the first position
        $argument = $this->util->args()['arguments'][0];
        //Prints a line in the console
        $this->util->output()->writeLn('Hello world!', 'green');
        //Prints a line in the console containing the value passed in the parameter
        $this->util->output()->writeLn('My param ' . $argument, 'green');

The Util class contains methods to help when creating your command, follow the list of some of them (click to know more).

How to register your command?

To register your command, simply access the Command class, located in the ... /console/Command.php file, add another item to the $commands array. Ex:

    private $commands = [
            'new:command' => [
                'action' => MyCommand::class.'@execute',
                'params' => [
                'description' => 'My command description',


Command without parameters

    private $commands = [
            'sympla' => [
                'action' => SymplaCommand::class.'@inspire',
                'description' => 'Descrição do meu outro comando',

Note: The parameters registered in this array are only descriptive by the help function.

How to execute a command?

To execute a command simply type:

    php run <nome_do_comando>


    php run help

If the command has any parameters, execute it as follows:

    php run <nome_do_comando> <parametro1> <parametro2>


    php run make:command TestCommand


Marcus Campos -