
Write slim routes in your controllers/actions

v1.0.0 2018-11-18 11:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 01:59:18 UTC


Allow you to create routes from annotations in controllers and actions

How to use


composer require marciodojr/slim-route-annotations


Add the key routeAnnotations in your settings array. Each element in the routeAnnotations array is a associative array with:

  • dir: Directory where the controllers/actions are
  • namespacePrefix: The namespace prefix of your controllers/actions. Ex.: for a class SomeVendor\\Controller\\MyNiceController the namespacePrefix is SomeVendor\\Controller.

// settings.php

return [
    'settings' => [
        'displayErrorDetails' => true,
        // ...
        // add this
        'routeAnnotations' => [
                'dir' => __DIR__ . '/Action', // action/controller folder
                'namespacePrefix' => 'Mdojr\\SlimAnnotations\\Test\\Action' // action/controller namespace prefix

Replace Slim\App with Mdojr\SlimAnnotations\App


// index.php
// $app = new Slim\App($config)
$app = new Mdojr\SlimAnnotations\App($config)

Note: When using the routerCacheFile option, you will need to remove the cached file first. The annotations will not be parsed if the file exists.


Add the @Route annotation to the methods you want to bind a route. The attributes methods and middlewares are optional, if the attribute methods is not specified then all methods will be allowed (like $app->any in Slim).


namespace Mdojr\SlimAnnotations\Test\Action;

use Mdojr\SlimAnnotations\Annotation\Route;

class MyController
     * @Route(
     *      pattern="/test-annotated-middleware",
     *      methods={"GET"},
     *      middlewares={
     *          "Mdojr\SlimAnnotations\Test\Middleware\SomeMiddleware",
     *          "Mdojr\SlimAnnotations\Test\Middleware\SomeOtherMiddleware"
     *      }
     * )
    public function myAction($request, $response)
        // some code ...


vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox