
Image resizing and caching

2.3.0 2019-02-19 15:35 UTC


Fast image handling and caching.

$imageCache = new \MarcAndreAppel\ImageCache\ImageCache('/absolute/path/to/base_folder/images');

// Create a scaled and cropped thumbnail and return the public thumbnail path
$thumbnail = $imageCache->thumbnail(50, 50)->cachedImage;

Methods (chainable)

Cache path naming override

$imageCache->method('replacement')->thumbnail(50, 50)->publicPath;

Returns /.cache/replacement instead of /.cache/thumbnail/50/50.

Cache path prefixing

$imageCache->prefix('mycache')->thumbnail(50, 50)->publicPath;

Adds /.cache/mycache to the resulting path, eg: /.cache/mycache/thumbnail/50/50.

Allow enlarging of images


Original size might be 400px ✕ 300px and hence becomes bigger.

Create visible subfolders
