
Develop advanced, consistent, and secure forms that are also very easy to validate.

v1.0.2 2023-11-29 15:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 16:40:31 UTC


Create advanced, consistent and secure forms and validations.

1. Initiate

use MaplePHP\Form\Fields;
use MaplePHP\Form\Examples\TestFormFields; // You should create you own template file for fields

$fields = new Fields(new TestFormFields());

It is recommended that you make a copy off AbstractFormFields class, make it to a regualar class, rename it and extend it to the real AbstractFormFields abstract class. Then you can start making and adding your own custom input fields.

Basic: You can either quick create one field form the fields template

$fields->[FIELD_TYPE]->[ARG1]->[ARG2]->get(); FIELD_TYPE: Method name from Form\Templates\Fields ARG: Chainable arguments like input name, fields attributes, validations and so on.

echo $fields->text()->name("email")->label("Email address")->attr([
        "type" => "email", 
        "placeholder" => "Input your email..."


Use the form compiler for advance consistent form creation and validation. Works really great in frameworks and large applications.

Create fields

	inputFieldName => [
		// Field config…

Field config

type (string)

Expects defined form type key Example: text, textarea, date, select, checkbox, radio and more. Required

label (string)

Define a input label Example: Email address

description (string)

Define a input label Example: We need your email to…

attr (array)

Add html attributens to field Example:

	class => inp-email, 
	type => email,
	placeholder => Fill in the email

items (array)

Add checkbox, radio or select list items. Example:

	1 => Yes, 
	0 => No

Is required for field types like select, checkbox and radio.

validate (array)

Add validation to form field Example:

	length => [1, 200],
	!email => NULL

The exclamation point before the email key means that it will only validate email if it is filled in else skip or do the other validation.

config (multidimensional array)

Pass on custom data for a custom field. Example:

	role => admin,
	user_id => 5212


1. Create form with array

Build a whole form with array as bellow

    "firstname" => [
        "type" => "text", // Set form type (input text or textarea and so on.)
        "label" => "First name",
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [1, 80]
    "lastname" => [
        "type" => "text",
        "label" => "Last name",
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [1, 120]
    "email" => [
        "type" => "text",
        "label" => "Email",
        "description" => "We need you email so that we can contact you.",
        "attr" => [
            "type" => "email",
            "placeholder" => ""
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [1, 120],
            "!email" => NULL
    "nested,item1" => [
        "type" => "radio",
        "label" => "Question 1",
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [1],
        "items" => [
            1 => "Yes",
            0 => "No"
        "value" => 1 // Default value
    "nested,item2" => [
        "type" => "radio",
        "label" => "Question 2",
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [1],
        "items" => [
            1 => "Yes",
            0 => "No"
        "value" => 1 // Default value
    "message" => [
        "type" => "textarea",
        "label" => "Message",
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [0, 2000]
    "gdpr" => [
        "type" => "checkbox",
        //"label" => "GDPR",
        "validate" => [
            "length" => [1, 1],
            "!equal" => [1]
        "items" => [
            1 => "I accept that my data will be saved according to GDPR"

2. Set values if you want

If you have values from for example the database (accepts multidimensional array and object)

    "firstname" => "John",
    "lastname" => "John",
    "nested" => [
        "item1" => 0,
        "item2" => 1,

3. Build the form

You will allways need to build the form before read or validations.


4. Read form

Now you can read the form.

echo '<form action="index.php" method="post">';
echo $fields->getForm();
echo "</form>";

5. Validate form

Now you can read the form.

use MaplePHP\Form\Validate;

$validate = new Validate($fields, $_POST);
if($error = $validate->execute()) {
    // HAS ERROR --> 
	echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

} else {
	// SUCCESS -->
	// Return filtered request (will only return values for added input fields)
	$request = $validate->getRequest(); // Uprotected