
The easies way to deal with PHP function name inconsistency

dev-master 2016-07-21 00:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-18 20:52:16 UTC




One of the worst things of PHP is its lack of consistency in function names, even between similar/related functions:


 * Some functions use underscores (_) to separate words
 * while other similar functions don't
gettype("foo");            // No separation between words
get_class(new stdClass()); // Words separated by underscores

 * Other functions mix `to` with 2
bin2hex("foo");    // 2
strtolower("FOO"); // to

This library provides a quick and simple fix for those issues, it's as easy to use as this:

 * Load PHPConsistentor

// Call `PHPConsistentor::init` with the preferred settings
    "word_separation" => PHPConsistentor::WORD_SEPARATION_UNDERSCORE,
    "word_cut"        => PHPConsistentor::WORD_CUT_NO_CUT,
    "to_2"            => PHPConsistentor::TO_2_TO,

get_type("foo");           //gettype
get_class(new stdClass()); //get_class

binary_to_hexadecimal("foo"); //bin2hex
string_to_lowercase("FOO");   //strtolower
o");                          //nl2br

And that's all, now you can code without worrying about function names consistency.


You can either download it directly through github, composer or by downloading Alexya Framework

Manual installation

To manual install PHPConsistentor just clone this repository (or download the latest release) and include the file in your PHP script:

 * Load PHPConsistentor

// Pretty hard, right?


The easiest way is probably install it through composer, so just add the followin lines to your composer.php file and execute composer update:

    "require": {
        "manulaiko/php-consistentor": "dev-master"

Or by executing the followin command:

composer require manulaiko/php-consistentor:dev-master

Alexya Framework

PHPConsistentor comes prebuild with the latest Alexya Framework version and is located under the namespace \Alexya\PHPConsistentor:

 * Load Alexya's core

    "word_separation" => PHPConsistentor::WORD_SEPARATION_UNDERSCORE,
    "word_cut"        => PHPConsistentor::WORD_CUT_NO_CUT,
    "to_2"            => PHPConsistentor::TO_2_TO,

Getting Started

Getting started with PHPConsistentor is as easy as including the PHPConsistentor.php file in your script and calling the PHPConsistentor::init method.

This method will automatically add the aliases of the function based on the configuration array (which is sent as a parameter).

The array may contain the followin indexes:

 * Load PHPConsistentor

 * PHPConsistentor's configuration array
$configuration = [
     * The way on which word separation will look.
     * Possible values:
     *       Separates the words with underscores like `get_class()`
     *       Don't separates the words like `getclass()`
     * - `PHPConsistentor::WORD_SEPARATION_CAMEL_CASE`
     *       Separates the words with camelCase like `getClass()`
    "word_separation" => PHPConsistentor::WORD_SEPARATION_UNDERSCORE, //Default

     * The way on which words will be cutted
     * Possible values:
     * - `PHPConsistentor::WORD_CUT_NO_CUT`
     *       Don't cuts the words like `binary2hexadecimal()`
     * - `PHPConsistentor::WORD_CUT_CUT`
     *       Conserves the default word cuts like `bin2hex()`
    "word_cut" => PHPConsistentor::WORD_CUT_CUT, // Default

     * The way on which `2`, `to` functions should look
     * Possible values:
     * - `PHPConsistentor::TO_2_TO`
     *        Translates `2` functions to `to` functions like `nltobr()`
     * - `PHPConsistentor::TO_2_2`
     *       Translates `to` functions to `2` functions like `str2lower()`
    "to_2" => PHPConsistentor::TO_2_TO // Default


If you're using PHPConsistentor through the Alexya Framework the default settings can be edited in config/alexya.php under the PHPConsistentor index.git