
Pass array of strings and get back single string with cleared cache

1.0.2 2020-08-10 08:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 00:49:20 UTC


To solve the problem with the caching for anonymous users, we have been working on 3 different files



We have different random background colours to apply on the hero section, to randomise the colours without cache the results all the time, we used a module with the randomise the colours

{% set hero_rand_bg = ['bg-blue','bg-purple','bg-teal','bg-navy'] | randomBackground(hero_rand_test) %}

random_hero_bg custom module

On RandomHeroBG.php we have two functions, one function to clear first the cache for Anonymous users

  // clear caches for anonymous 

And then another function to delete the random background colour before randomise again the values.

public function randomBackground(array $input, $number)
  $key = array_rand($input);
  return $input[$key];

To double check if it is working, check if the number is changing with this code inside the randomBackground Functions

var_dump($number, $key);

Check this link for more information about cache-tags


Add a preprocess function to clear caches for this specific node type, cleaning the session cache and the variables used on the random

function pubmlst_preprocess_node__front(&$variables){
  $variables['#cache'] = [
    'max-age' => 0,
    'contexts' => ['session']
  $variables['hero_rand_bg']['#cache']['max-age'] = 0;
  $variables['hero_rand_test']['#cache']['max-age'] = 0;