
Structure for the Laravel Service-Repository Pattern

v1.8 2023-08-11 13:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 16:27:23 UTC


This package provides base repository and service for your Laravel Service-Repository pattern:

  • Adds a repository layer, so you can avoid using your models directly and do all the calls via repository
  • Adds a service layer which supports CRUD and search functionality


  • Create model (f.e Post)
  • Create a repository PostRepository extends Manowartop\BaseRepositoryAndService\Repositories\BaseRepository
  • Define property protected $modelClass = Post::class; in PostRepository
  • Create a service PostService extends Manowartop\BaseRepositoryAndService\Services\BaseCrudService
  • Define property in protected $repository = PostRepository::class; in PostService

That`s all. Now you have access to the next set of methods:

Repository methods


  • getModel(): Model - get the model of current repository
  • create(array $data): ?Model - creates a new model
  • createMany(array $data): Illuminate\Support\Collection - create many models from an array
  • update($keyOrModel, array $data): ?Model - update model by PK or model instance
  • updateOrCreate(array $attributes, array $data): ?Model - update or create model
  • delete($keyOrModel): bool - delete model by PK or instance
  • deleteMany(array $keysOrModels): void - delete many (array of PK or models)


  • find($key): ?Model - find model by PK
  • findOrFail($value, ?string $column = null): Model - find or fail by PK
  • getAll(array $search = []): Collection - search a collection of models
  • getAllPaginated(array $search = [], int $pageSize = 15): LengthAwarePaginator - search for paginated models collection
  • findMany(array $attributes): Collection - find all models by params
  • findFirst(array $attributes): ?Model - find first model by params
  • with(array $with): BaseRepositoryInterface - set param $with to specify relations to query models with
  • withCount(array $withCount): BaseRepositoryInterface - set param $withCount to specify relations_count to query models with

If you need to specify query filtering - just override protected function getFilteredQuery(array $search = []): Builder in you repository

Service methods

  • getAllPaginated(array $search = [], int $pageSize = 15): LengthAwarePaginator - search for paginated models collection
  • getAll(array $search = []): Collection - search a collection of models
  • findOrFail($value, ?string $column = null): Model - find or fail by PK
  • create(array $data): ?Model - creates a new model
  • createMany(array $data): Illuminate\Support\Collection - create many models from an array
  • update($keyOrModel, array $data): ?Model - update model by PK or model instance
  • updateOrCreate(array $attributes, array $data): ?Model - update or create model
  • delete($keyOrModel): bool - delete model by PK or instance
  • deleteMany(array $keysOrModels): void - delete many (array of PK or models)