
Simple hex based token generator, may be used in many tasks as slug, token…

dev-master 2019-06-28 21:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 06:07:58 UTC



To generate random hex string (by default) using given bytes length.

Very basic working example:

use Malenki\TokenGenerator\TokenGenerator;
echo new TokenGenerator(); // yes, __toString available

// a560bd176d5961817050a4c09408b156952d8d53bd7602d28f2844b1faa2995c

This is inspired from example given by Akam on web site:

How to get it?

Using composer is the good way.

composer require malenki/token-generator

Play with it

Starting bytes

In constructor, you may give the byte length you want. If not, default is 32.

use Malenki\TokenGenerator\TokenGenerator;

$tg = new TokenGenerator(4);
echo $tg->run(); // the method computing token and returning it

// 791f4dd3 by example

But keep in mind it is not the output length, for example, a byte length of 4 gives as a result an output having 8 bytes by default, because default flavors output hex string.


Internally, this generator use 3 differents flavors to build tokens, load in this order:

  • Random flavor defined in Malenki\TokenGenerator\Flavor\RandomFlavor
  • Openssl flavor defined in Malenki\TokenGenerator\Flavor\OpensslFlavor
  • Mcrypt flavor defined in Malenki\TokenGenerator\Flavor\McryptFlavor (Note: not available if you have PHP 7.2+)

By default, it tests if the first, random, can run on your system, and run it. If it cannot, it tests the second, openssl and so on.


Formaters allow you to have different output token types. So, by default, the formater used is hex (short name) defined in Malenki\TokenGenerator\Formater\HexFormater (FQCN).

Formaters are:

  • hex to get token as hexadecimal string
  • alpha to get token composed of ASCII letters from a to z
  • num to get token composed of digits
  • base64 to get token as a base 64 encoded string from its starting generated bytes

You choose the formater by passing its short name to the TokenGenerator::run() method. Examples:

$tg = new TokenGenerator(2);
printf('A token using `alpha` formater: "%s"'.PHP_EOL, $tg->run('alpha'));
// A token using `alpha` formater: "rkv"
printf('A token using `num` formater: "%s"'.PHP_EOL, $tg->run('num'));
// A token using `num` formater: "60286"
printf('A token using `base64` formater: "%s"'.PHP_EOL, $tg->run('base64'));
// A token using `base64` formater: "8Yk="
printf('A token using `hex` formater: "%s"'.PHP_EOL, $tg->run('hex'));
// A token using `hex` formater: "971b"

Token object

Generator does not returned a simple string, it returns an object from class Token, having __toString() to get hexadecimal format on string context.

This object contains informations about:

  • flavor used to build it,
  • formater used to format it
  • bytes length choosen to generate it,
  • original bytes string used to get it,
  • its validity too, if a custom flavor used to create it has some bugs (often void string)


$tg = new TokenGenerator(2);
$token = $tg->run();

echo $token->getOriginalBytesLength() . PHP_EOL;
echo $token->getUsedFlavor() . PHP_EOL;
echo $token->getUsedFormater() . PHP_EOL;
echo $token->get() . PHP_EOL;
echo ($token->valid() ?  'yes' : 'no') . PHP_EOL;
echo $token . PHP_EOL;

// 2
// Malenki\TokenGenerator\Flavor\RandomFlavor
// Malenki\TokenGenerator\Formater\HexFormater
// 4b31
// yes
// 4b31

Add your own flavor(s)

OK, you like this generator, but you want token having some specific building rules.

It is possible to create your own flavor and use it.

First create your flavor class inherits from Malenki\TokenGenerator\Flavor\Flavor abstract class.

This abstract class has this methods you must implement:

abstract class Flavor
    abstract public function valide() : bool; // can load on the system?
    abstract public function generate(int $length) : string; // generate the token

Lets define your class FQCN as Some\Namespace\YourFlavor.

Second, declare it to generator while instanciate it, so, it knows its existance and can use it.

use Malenki\TokenGenerator\TokenGenerator;
use Some\Namespace\YourFlavor;

$tg = new TokenGenerator(32, new YourFlavor);
echo $tg->run();

And voilà! You get your first token using your own flavor!

Add your own formatters

As easy as creating custom Flavor.

Just implements the abstract class Malenki\TokenGenerator\Formater\Formater:

abstract class Formater
    abstract public function format(string $original) : string;

For example, your formater may include a date string before a hex part:

use Malenki\TokenGenerator\Formater\Formater;

class CustomFormater extends Formater
    public function format(string $original) : string
        $dt = new \DateTime();
        $dtStr = $dt->format('Y-m-d-');
        $preToken = bin2hex($original);

        return $dtStr.$preToken;

Now, declare it to the generator:

$tg = new TokenGenerator(2);
$tg->addFormater('custom', CustomFormater::class);
echo $tg->run('custom'). PHP_EOL;

// 2019-06-28-ea15

Simple, isn’t it?