
A static blog generator like Jekyll in Ruby world but with tags, categories, blocs in native.

dev-master 2014-04-26 15:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-28 02:27:35 UTC


PHP static blog generator ala Jekyll with tags, categories and blocks in native.

How to install it?

Before, you must have composer to install and use Phantastic.

You can install Phantastic following 3 possible ways:

  • by downloading archive of the latest stable release. Untar it and then go into the newly created directory to run composer update
  • by cloning the git repository git clone and then do the same action like seen previously after untar. Unlike previous, you get the dev-master branch.
  • by using composer into one shot like this: composer create-project malenki/phantastic your-project-name dev-master, where your-project-name will be the directory to install Phantastic and then you can start to play with it.

How does it work?

You can use command line options or write a configuration file in YAML.

Call ./phantastic --help or without args to have some help.

How must I write my posts?

Like you already do with Jekyll! You write some markdown post text files with YAML header and that's all folks!

A post must have at least two properties: layout and title. The first give the name of the template to use, the second is the post's title.

So, this is a correct minimal post:

    layout: my-template
    title: Some Very Important Heading

    # Blah Blah

    A short sentence.

Tell me more about blocks…

Blocks are pieces of text written using markdown syntax.

This files are saved into their own directory.

Into template PHP files, you can call this blocks like you want, following some tags of the posts, or directly.

So, all text can be defined outside of templates.

Tell me more about categories…

Categories are autodefined by directories' hierarchy used into posts' directory. But, you can also associated this directories to other names by using YAML configuration file.

To link directories to their right name, do following, for example:

        some_dir: My Category
        some_other_dir: Another Category Name
        last_butnot_the_least_dir: This Category Is A Must Have!

Tell me more about tags…

Well, tags are… tags :) You can defined some tags for each of your posts into YAML header like follow:

        - foo
        - bar
        - something

So, when generator runs, it creates tag pages, and a cloud tags is available!

Custom YAML Header Properties

Yes, you can add anything you want into YAML header to use it later into your template.

Tell me more!

Later… I must improve this project yet before go further into the doc, but it is functional like you can see live example here: