maksuco / helpers
A bunch of functions that can help
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- dev-master
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This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-08 02:18:09 UTC
This package has a few php helpers, for everyday tasks
This packages requires Spatie/Analytics for the charts You can install the package via composer:
$ composer require maksuco/Helpers OR $ composer require maksuco/Helpers:dev-master
This Package works with auto discovery in Laravel +5.5, but is compatible with older versions
<?php //In laravel \Helpers::mobile(); //In php $helpers = new \Maksuco\Helpers\Helpers(); $helpers->mobile(); //use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Helpers;
Device check: Mobile, Tables, Desktop
Response with the correct device, example: (300,'table',200), the response is 300 when is mobile OR 200 if it's desktop. ('mobile','table','desktop')
Check if device is Mobile
\Helpers::mobile(); //Returns true or false
Check browser locale
Returns the browser locale, for example 'en', you send the available languages of your site, the first one is the base
Check if device is Mobile, Operating System and Browser
\Helpers::user_agent(); //Returns Array ( [desktop] => 1 [mobile] => [tablet] => [device] => desktop [browser] => Chrome [os] => Macintosh [result] => Macintosh Chrome ) //Returns ['lang'], and ['estimate']=true if is not exact data
Check if visitor is a bot
\Helpers::botDetected(); //Returns true or false
This function helps you show the user avatar or the gravatar, just send the user array or email. It returns the image path or base64
$img = \Helpers::avatar($user); OR {{\Helpers::avatar($user->email)}}
First Name
Helps you show the user first name, from a full name, max length of the returned name is 11
{{\Helpers::firstname($fullname)}} //Gina Gutierrez returns Gina //Gi Gutierrez returns Gi Gutierrez
Name Initials
{{\Helpers::initials($fullname)}} //SEND Sofia Loren //GET SL
Here's an example of how to implement crypto to transform strings to hashed keys, using 2 security keys: one set in the (crypto_string) and another inside the controller, example the $user->id:
//SEND $security = Helpers::encrypt($string,$key); //AFTER $string = Helpers::decrypt($security,$key); //CONVERT LETTERS TO NUMBERS $string = Helpers::lettersToNumbers($string,$phone=false);
Active Navigation Page
Send the current page name, example 'about' or 'contactenos', it checks if theres a variable named $active (send from the controller) then checks if the route has a name and then checks the first segment of the page, example: about/history
{{\Helpers::nav_active($page)}} //SEND: nav_active('about') //RETURNS: 'active'
Text parser
Convert plain text to include real html links (blank is optional, default is true)
{{\Helpers::text_parse($text,$blank)}} //SEND: Welcome to http::// //RETURNS: Welcome to <a href="http:://">http:://</a>
Find text between 2 strings or replace
Returns an array with all results
{{\Helpers::getTextBetween($text,$start,$end)}} If you want to replace the text between two strings use {{\Helpers::replaceTextBetween($text,$start,$end,$replace)}}
Get all countries
A list of countries to show in a select
{{\Helpers::countries('en')}} //RETURNS: Array {{\Helpers::country('US')}} //RETURNS: "id": 241,"code": "US","name_en": "United States","name_es": "Estados Unidos","status": null,"tel": 1,"lang": "en","currency": "USD","currency_symbol": "$","timezone_group": null
Get all cities by country
A list of cities in country
{{\Helpers::cities('US')}} //RETURNS:"name": "Salta","region": "A","country": "AR","latitude": "-24.78835","longitude": "-65.41266","slug": "salta"
Check continent
Returns the continent by name, simplify returns Europe if eu or america if anything else
{{\Helpers::continent('US')}} //RETURNS: 'america' {{\Helpers::continent('FR')}} //RETURNS: 'europe'
Get all timezones
A list of timezones to show in a select
{{\Helpers::timezones()}} //RETURNS: Array
Get all languages or lang code name
{{\Helpers::languages()}} //RETURNS: Array {{\Helpers::languages('en')}} //RETURNS: 'english'
Get all currencies or currency details for echo
A list of countries to show in a select or currency details like symbol, decimals, name, etc..
{{\Helpers::currencies()}} //RETURNS: Array of isoCodes {{\Helpers::currencies('complete')}} //RETURNS: Array of all currencies with: name, isoCode, symbol and other data {{\Helpers::currencies('usd')}} //RETURNS: All data of the currency {{\Helpers::currency_format('10000.00','usd',false)}} //'10000.00','usd' RETURNS: $10,000 usd //'100.30','usd' RETURNS: $100.30 usd //'10000.30','eur' RETURNS: 10.000,30 € //'10000.00','cop',true RETURNS: Array ["result" => "$10.000""symbol" => "$""htmlEntity" => "₱""amount" => "10.000""isoCode" => "COP""symbolFirst" => true"decimalSeparator" => ",""thousandsSeparator" => "."]
Money Format
{{\Helpers::moneyFormat($value,$currency)}} //SEND: 1234.56,'EUR' RETURNS: €1,234.56 //SEND: 1234.00,'USD' RETURNS: $1,234
Currency Money Exchange
{{\Helpers::currency_exchange($amount, $from, $to, $round)}} //SEND: 1,'EUR','USD' RETURNS: 1,99 (SAMPLE) //SEND: 1,'EUR','USD',true RETURNS: 2 (SAMPLE)
Decimal Format
Useful for saving numbers on mysql decimal columns
{{\Helpers::decimalsFormat($number)}} //SEND: 1,234.56 RETURNS: 1234.56 //SEND: 1,234 RETURNS: 1234.00 {{\Helpers::decimalsFormat($number,false)}} //NO CENTS //SEND: 1,234.560 RETURNS: 1234560 //SEND: 1,234 RETURNS: 1234
Location GEOIP
Get the city, country, language and other data from the IP: This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from also requires composer require maksuco/helpers-geo. Even better you can use 'ip-api' or 'ipstack' (ipstack requires a third argument for the ipstack key or IPSTACK_KEY=xxx on .env file - laravel)
$location_data = \Helpers::geoip($ip); //\Helpers::geoip($ip,'option'); OR \Helpers::geoip($ip,'ipstack','my_ipstack_key'); $location_data = \Helpers::geoipLaravel($ip); //\Helpers::geoip($ip,'option'); OR \Helpers::geoip($ip,'ipstack','my_ipstack_key');
if you need the function to provide the ip, just put null in the $ip. if you also want the isp info, just include the second call.
Date in IP TimeZone
Location distance between 2 points
The units is optional, default is "miles"
$distance = \Helpers::distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit = "K");
Append to json (only works with first level for now)
Send new data to append to a json data or subcategory (subcategory and limit are optional).
You send the DB column as $json, the new object or array as $new.
LImit, sets a limit for the amounts of records
Modify csv string action=add,remove,check
Send id's to add, remove or check if exist in csv string
Modify array with action=add,remove,check
Send new data to add, remove, check if exist in array or invert Works with Sequential and Associative arrays Invert adds the new if doesn't exist, or removes it if exist and returns the action "added" or "removed"
\Helpers::array_process($action,$array,$new) //$array = ['michael','gina']; //array_process('add',$array,'bob') returns ['michael','gina','bob'] //array_process('remove',$array,'michael') returns ['gina'] //array_process('invert',$array,'michael') returns "removed" MALLLLLLl //Associative //$array = ['michael'=>'m']; //$new = ['michael'=>'something','donald'=>'duck','bob'=>'m']; //array_process('add',$array2,$new2) returns ['michael'=>'something','donald'=>'duck','bob'=>'m'] //array_process('check',$array,'gina') returns TRUE
Collection Relations Append
Include in a collection the columns from another table with just one extra query $principal_relation_column = the principal reference INT, typically id (This is optional)
Examples: ($user,$post,'user_id',['post_name'=>'name'])
Column: Array and Json check
Check if a value is in a column (Works with json, array and string explode) //only 1 level RETURNS: true or false
{{(\Helpers::column_check($data,$value))? 'YES!':'NO!'}} //($user->favorites,124)
Column Process (if is in column, it will delete it, if not it will add it)
\Helpers::column_process($data,$table,$column,$value) //($user,'users','favorites',124)
Check if a domain doesn't have the http and adds it, and other links, domains helpers
{{\Helpers::link($account->domain)}} //SEND: //RETURNS: //SEND: mailto:xxxx //RETURNS: mailto:xxxx
Get Domain from email
$domain = \Helpers::domain_from_email($email); //returns the domain from an email if it's not a free service like, else it returns false
Get Domain from url
$domain = \Helpers::domain_from_url($url); //returns the from \Helpers::domain_from_url($url,true); //subdomain true //returns the from
Get html sections from url
You need the dom extension
$domain = \Helpers::url_html($url); //returns the body content of url $domain = \Helpers::url_html($url,'div'); //returns a string with first div content $domain = \Helpers::url_html($url,'#home',true); //returns the section with id="home" and true converts all img src and links href to full urls. //using id selects the entire section, using elements only selects the content.
Transform number to telto number
{{\Helpers::telto($phone)}} //SEND: +1 (305) 890 8989 //RETURNS: 13058908989
GET video id of youtube or vimeo link, if is already is returns the same
{{\Helpers::getVideoID($provider,$string)}} //SEND: 'youtube','' //RETURNS: 12345 //SEND: 'youtube','12345' //RETURNS: 12345 //SEND: null,'' //RETURNS:
Email and Domain Check
if(\Helpers::email_check($email)) {} //returns if the email is valid: true or false //Also checks if the domain exist OR if(\Helpers::domain_check($email)) {} //returns the domain from the email and checks if it exist OR if(\Helpers::domain_check('')) {} //Checks if the domain exist
Get file type
\Helpers::getFileType(''); //returns video
File size to bytes calculator
Send '1 mb' and get the result in bytes, send measurements in: b, kb, mb, gb, tb
\Helpers::sizetobytes('1 mb'); //returns xxxx bytes
Generate random string
Send the length of the random
\Helpers::random(4); //returns 4 letters mix with numbers \Helpers::random(4,true); //if you want only numbers \Helpers::random(4,false); //if you want only letters
Generate random name
Names for testing, send 'name', 'lastname' or 'fullname' or leave empty for fullname
\Helpers::random_name($type); //returns John
Generate random quote
\Helpers::random_quote(); //returns Something special
Hide part of the string like an api_key
\Helpers::hide_string($string); //returns 3234****9099 \Helpers::hide_string($string, $middle = 'xx'); //returns 3234xx9099 \Helpers::hide_string('455667867897', $middle = 'xxddd','start'); //returns with 'start' 4556xxddd //returns with 'end' xxddd7897
Greetings by time of day
Returns good afternoon, good morning etc.. (timezone is optional)
\Helpers::greetings_by_time($timezone); //Returns: "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening" or "Good night"
Day name by day difference
Returns today, tomorrow, 10 days a go, etc...
\Helpers::date_day($days_difference,$lang); //lang is optional
Filename Parsing
Get a filename name from a string or url, you can also parse it and get basename, extension and filename
$filename = \Helpers::filename(''); //RETURNS: this_is_the_name.png OR $filename = \Helpers::filename('',true); //RETURNS ARRAY: basename: this_is_the_name.png, extension: png, filename: this_is_the_name //USE: $filename->basename
Here's an example of how to implement the slug function to transform names to slugs:
$slug = \Helpers::slug('Hi how are you? Muy@#$%^&*good'); //RETURNS: hi-how-are-you-muy-good OR $slug = \Helpers::slug($name);
Transform file names, the second argument specifies a random addon at the end, can be text or INT
$slug = \Helpers::slug_file('Hi how are you? Muy@#$%^&*good.jpg',0); //hi-how-are-you-muy-good.jpg OR $slug = \Helpers::slug_file($file->getClientOriginalName(),5); //hi-how-are-you-muy-good-hj567.jpg OR $slug = \Helpers::slug_file($filename,'great-doc'); //hi-how-are-you-muy-good-great-doc.pdf
In this function you can specify a new filename (REPLACE) and use the same extension
$slug = \Helpers::slug_filename('SomeFile.jpg','new-name',0); //new-name.jpg OR $slug = \Helpers::slug_filename($file->getorriginalname(),'new-image',2); //new-image-9i.ext OR $slug = \Helpers::slug_filename($file,'one','great-images'); //one-great-images.png
Here's an example of how to implement the random function, Adds random at the end of the file name, and checks if its numeric or string
$slug = \Helpers::slug_random('new-image'); //new-image-hv8
Here's an example of how to implement the random function, Adds random at the end of the file name, and checks if its numeric or string
$slug = \Helpers::slug_username('Hi how are-you? Muy@#$%^&*good'); //hihoware-youmuygood
Help with pre and code content
$slug = \Helpers::prepareCode($codeVariable); //SEND: <script>xxxx</script> //RETURNS: <script>xxxx</script>
Social Sharing
$url can be null to automatically get the current url page
Facebook Share
$app_id is optional
Twitter Share
$username is optional
LinkedIn Share
$username is optional
Pinterest Share
$image is optional
Whatsapp Share
Whatsapp Chat
{{\Helpers::whatsappchat($phone,$url,$text)}} //\Helpers::whatsappchat('15551234xxx',null,'Im interested in your service')
ADD POPUP INSTEAD OF target="_blank"
Just add to the link onclick="return popup(this);"
onclick="return popup(this);"
$html = \Helpers::minify_html($html);
Example url: ",opsz,wght@0,5..1200,300..900;1,5..1200,300..900&display=swap"
$html = \Helpers::gFonts($url);
Requires composer require raiym/instagram-php-scraper
$media = \Helpers::instagram_process($instagram,'username');