
GeoLocation package for Laravel.

v2.0.1 2022-07-21 20:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-22 00:53:50 UTC


Laravel GeoLocation Logo

Laravel GeoLocation

Laravel package to get the details about region, city, country, timezone, currency, etc. for a given IP address.


composer require makidizajnerica/laravel-geolocation

As for registering Service Provider, it is not necessary, Laravel will auto load provider using Package Discovery.


Using Facade

Return value of the MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Facades\GeoLocation::lookup() is the instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection. To find out more about Laravel Collections head to Collections - Laravel.

use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Facades\GeoLocation;

$collection = GeoLocation::lookup('');

echo $collection->get('success');
// true

echo $collection->get('ip');

echo $collection->get('continent');
// North America

echo $collection->get('continentCode');
// NA

echo $collection->get('country');
// United States

echo $collection->get('countryCode');
// US

echo $collection->get('countryFlag');

echo $collection->get('countryCapital');
// Washington

echo $collection->get('region');
// California

echo $collection->get('city');
// Mountain View

echo $collection->get('timezone');
// America/Los_Angeles

echo $collection->get('timezoneName');
// Pacific Standard Time

echo $collection->get('currency');
// US Dollar

echo $collection->get('currencyCode');
// USD

echo $collection->get('currencySymbol');
// $

echo $collection->get('latitude');
// 37.3860517

echo $collection->get('longitude');
// -122.0838511

// Array
// (
//     [success] => 1
//     [ip] =>
//     [continent] => North America
//     [continentCode] => NA
//     [country] => United States
//     [countryCode] => US
//     [countryFlag] =>
//     [countryCapital] => Washington
//     [region] => California
//     [city] => Mountain View
//     [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
//     [timezoneName] => Pacific Standard Time
//     [currency] => US Dollar
//     [currencyCode] => USD
//     [currencySymbol] => $
//     [latitude] => 37.3860517
//     [longitude] => -122.0838511
// )

You can also switch driver on runtime using:

use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Facades\GeoLocation;

$collection = GeoLocation::driver('geoplugin')->lookup('');

Package comes with several predefined drivers, some of them require API_KEY to work. You can register those keys inside .env file:


Predefined drivers:

Depending on the driver that is used it is possible to get different results.

Request Macro

Inside your controller Illuminate\Http\Request $request will have geolocation() method available:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('/', function (Request $request) {


    return view('welcome');

// Array
// (
//     [success] => 1
//     [ip] =>
//     [continent] => North America
//     [continentCode] => NA
//     [country] => United States
//     [countryCode] => US
//     [countryFlag] =>
//     [countryCapital] => Washington
//     [region] => California
//     [city] => Mountain View
//     [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
//     [timezoneName] => Pacific Standard Time
//     [currency] => US Dollar
//     [currencyCode] => USD
//     [currencySymbol] => $
//     [latitude] => 37.3860517
//     [longitude] => -122.0838511
// )

Publishing Config File

To publish geolocation.php config file use command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=geolocation-config

Creating Custom Driver

When creating custom driver, be sure to extend MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\GeoLocationDriver class. Then define two methods lookup() and format():

use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\GeoLocationDriver;

class CustomDriver extends GeoLocationDriver
    public function lookup($ipAddress): array

    public function format(array $data): array
        return [

Method lookup($ipAddress) accepts one parametar of type string that represents IP address. Inside this method you write request logic (sending request, checking response etc.), after that you just need to return response data as array. If request is not successful for some reason, you may throw MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Exceptions\GeoLocationDriverException that will be picked up and reported inside log files.

Method format($data) accepts one parametar of type array that represents your response data returned from lookup() method, here you can format data as array with your own set of key/value pairs.

Inside CustomDriver class you will have two methods available, options() and apiEndpoint().

Method options($key) accepts one parametar $key of type string and returns driver option based on provided $key.

Method apiEndpoint($ipAddress) accepts one parametar $ipAddress of type string and returns formatted api endpoint url with passed $ipAddress.

If you plan to use Laravel's built in Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http Http Client, you can use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Support\HandlingHttpResponse trait inside your CustomDriver class:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\GeoLocationDriver;
use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Support\HandlingHttpResponse;

class CustomDriver extends GeoLocationDriver
    use HandlingHttpResponse;

    public function lookup($ipAddress): array
        $response = Http::get($this->apiEndpoint($ipAddress));

        $data = $this->decodeResponseData(

        return $data;

    public function format(array $data): array
        return [
            'ip' => $data['ip'],
            'continent' => $data['continent'],
            'country' => $data['country'],
            'region' => $data['region'],
            'city' => $data['city'],
            'timezone' => $data['timezone'],
            'currency' => $data['currency'],

Method checkResponse(Response $response) accepts one parameter of type Illuminate\Http\Client\Response, then returns that response if it was successful, or otherwise throws MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Exceptions\GeoLocationDriverException.

Method decodeResponseData(Response $response) accepts one parameter of type Illuminate\Http\Client\Response, then tries to json decode that response and return array containing response data, or empty array on fail.

Then when you wrote lookup logic and formatted data, you need to register your driver inside config/geolocation.php config file:

'drivers' => [

    'customdriver' => [
        'driver' => \CustomDriver::class,
        'api_endpoint' => '',
        'query_params' => [

            'ip' => '{ip}'



{ip} is placeholder where actual IP address will be placed on apiEndpoint() call. You can put placeholder either in api_endpoint:

'api_endpoint' => '{ip}'

or inside query_params like shown above:

'query_params' => [

    'ip' => '{ip}'


You can also define any other placeholder wraped inside curly brackets like so:

'query_params' => [

    'ip' => '{ip}'
    'lang' => '{lang}'


Then on runtime pass array containing that placeholder as key as second parameter to driver() method:

use MakiDizajnerica\GeoLocation\Facades\GeoLocation;

$collection = GeoLocation::driver('customdriver', ['lang' => 'en'])->lookup('');

So when you call apiEndpoint() method inside your driver lookup method, the return value should look something like this:

echo $this->apiEndpoint('');


Nemanja Marijanovic (


Copyright © 2021, Nemanja Marijanovic

All rights reserved.

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed within the source root of this package.