
PHP class for thumbnails creation

v1.0.1 2017-10-22 07:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 18:46:07 UTC


Thumbnail - PHP class for thumbnails creation.


Public Variables

public static $sourceFolder Path to folder with images source.

public static $targetFolder Path to folder for thumbnails relative to the webroot.

public static $webRoot Path to web root. Default - $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']

public static $paddingColor Hexadecimal RGB color to fill thumbnails padding. Default - ffffff.

public static $getThumbnailPathMethod Function that will create thumbnails path. Default - $this->_getThumbnailPath()

public $path Path to the image relative to the source folder.

public $stretch Whether to stretch the image whose size is less than the size of the thumbnail. Default - false

public $crop Whether to crop the image whose proportions do not match the proportions of the thumbnail. Default - false

public $width Thumbnails width. Default - 0 (Calculate using a source proportions)

public $height Thumbnails height. Default - 0 (Calculate using a source proportions)

Public methods

public static of($path, $width = 0, $height = 0, $crop = false, $stretch = false) Returns new object.

public width($width) Sets the thumbnails width. Height will be calculated using a source proportions. Returns its self.

public height($height) Sets the thumbnails height. Width will be calculated using a source proportions. Returns its self.

public size($width, $height) Sets the exact size of thumbnails. Returns its self.

public crop() Crops the image if its proportions do not match the proportions of the thumbnail. Returns its self.

public contain() Scales the image such it can fit inside thumbnails frame (with adding padding). Returns its self.

public stretch() Stretches small image to thumbnails size. Returns its self.

public nostretch() Leaves the size of small images as is (with adding padding). Returns its self.

public path() Creates a thumbnail if it absent. Returns a path to it. This method will be called when trying to convert an object to a string:

<img src="<?php echo Thumbnail::of('images/example.jpg', 100)->path();?>" />
<!-- equals : -->
<img src="<?php echo Thumbnail::of('images/example.jpg', 100);?>" />

public img($attributes = []) Wraps a path into a HTML-tag <img/>:

<img src="<?php echo Thumbnail::of('images/example.jpg', 100);?>" class="thumbnail" />
<!-- equals : -->
<?php echo Thumbnail::of('images/example.jpg', 100)->img(['class' => 'thumbnail']);?>