
Multiple User Type Models for Laravel 6

v1.0.3 2020-02-10 07:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 16:59:08 UTC


This package transforms Laravel's User model to be an "abstract-like" model so that you can create as much separate userable (user-type) models as you wish with their auth controllers and a middleware by just running some command.


Use composer dependency manager to install this package.

composer require majebry/laravel6-userable


  1. publish migrations:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Majebry\LaravelUserable\UserableServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
  1. Include Userable trait into your Laravel's User model
class User extends Authenticatable
    use \Majebry\LaravelUserable\Traits\Userable;

So, anytime you want to call user info for any userable model you can do Model::find($id)->userable

  1. Now, for example, if we want to generate a user-type called Customer, we run the following command
php artsian userable:make Customer

This command will generate a Customer model under app directory and a x_create_customers_table.php under database\migrations directory You can add the fields that you wish to that migration before running it

  1. In app/Http/Kernal.php, register the following middleware
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // ...
    'userable-auth' => \Majebry\LaravelUserable\Http\Middleware\UserTypeMiddleware::class,

Now for example, if you want to protect a route to be only accessible for StoreAdmin, you can chain the Route with ->middleware('userable-auth:store-admin')




  • Probably make the generator command also generates custom authentication actions(routes and controllers), middleware and/or views with the generator command.
  • Add tests
  • Making the UserTypeMiddleware supports multiple user-types
  • Hooking into on User/Userable Delete event?
