
MageWorld - Easy FAQ module

dev-master 2020-10-07 07:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-13 01:00:41 UTC


Magento 2 FAQ extension is a solution to save time for both store owners and customers. The extensions enhances a page concluding frequently asked questions with the answers so it is easier for customers to search for something they concern about that suppliers are not available to explain to them immediately.


Highlight Features

  • Smart search box

The FAQ extension make it easier for customer to get the answer for what they concern about. By just entering a keyword on the FAQ page, customers will see everything related to the topic they are looking for.

  • Show featured categories and questions

On the FAQ page, questions are devided into different categories and all of them are displayed as a menu on a side of the page. This brings the best effect to customers that they can interact with the site easily.

  • Allow customers to collapse or expand the question-view section

With just one click to open or close the answer for each question, this feature does not require customers to redirect page by page andsave their time.

  • Diversity of page layout and style

There different styles and layouts for administrators to choose and apply to their store. The feature brings more choices to the web owners and they can select the best one for their store.


How to install:

  • Conditions:

If you have a dev site, please install on it to test first.

If you don't have a dev site, please backup source code and database of live site before installation.

A ftp client software: Filezilla, Winscp.

  • Step 1: Download source code from MageWorld.

After you complete your order, please go to My Downloads to download extension.

  • Step 2: Unzip extension package and upload them to Magento root folde.

Unzip file that you've just downloaded and use FileZilla (WinSCP) to upload to Magento root folde.

  • Step3: Run setting up command line.

Login to ssh, go to Magento root folder and run these command lines:

  php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  php bin/magento cache:flush
