
Hebrew language package for Magento 2

dev-master 2022-02-22 09:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-22 14:27:56 UTC


Magento 2 Hebrew Language Pack is generated by Magento 2 Translation Project at Crowdin. Coming here and the guides will be shown in details with the purpose to make you clear about the translation into Hebrew Language. Right after store owners complete the download from Crowdin and the language pack installation, all phrases are switched to Hebrew instead of Magento 2 CE official language.

Read more Magento 2 Hebrew Language Pack

Mageplaza Hebrew language pack


  1. Language Package Process
  2. Install Hebrew Language Pack
  3. How to active Hebrew language pack
  4. How to contribute
  5. Supported Magento versions
  6. Notes
  7. Language package authors

1. Language Package Process

This is status of Hebrew Language Pack, you can see how many percentage of this project has been done.

Hebrew language pack process

It is not fully translated? Feel free to contribute:

  • On Crowdin: It takes time to approve your contribution by Magento team.
  • On Github: It's faster, our team will approve it after you send pull request.

Find other language packs here

2. How to Install Hebrew Language Pack

There are 3 different methods to install this language pack.

✓ Method #1. Composer method (Recommend)

Install the Hebrew language pack via composer is never easier.

Install Hebrew pack:

With Marketing Automation (recommend):

composer require mageplaza/magento-2-hebrew-language-pack:dev-master mageplaza/module-smtp 
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy he_IL
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

Without Marketing Automation:

composer require mageplaza/magento-2-hebrew-language-pack:dev-master
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy he_IL
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

Update Hebrew pack:

composer update mageplaza/magento-2-hebrew-language-pack:dev-master
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy he_IL
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

Authentication required (If any)

Authentication required

If you have not added this authentication, you can follow this guide

Or use these keys:

Public Key: c7af1bfc9352e9c986637eec85ed53af
Private Key: 17e1b72ea5f0b23e9dbfb1f68dc12b53

✓ Method #2. Copy & Paste method (Not recommended)

This method suitable for non-technical people such as merchants. Just download the package then flush cache.


  • Step 1: Download the Hebrew language pack
  • Step 2: Unzip Hebrew pack
  • Step 3: Flush Magento 2 Cache

Step 1 : Download the Hebrew language pack

You can download the language pack from above link

Step 2: Unzip Hebrew pack

Unzip the Hebrew language pack to Magento 2 root folder. In this guide, we extract to /var/www/html/ Your Magento 2 root folder can be: /home/account_name/

unzip app/i18n/Mageplaza/

Rename folder magento-2-hebrew-language-pack to he_il.

You also can unzip locally and upload them to Magento 2 root folder.

Step 3: Flush Magento 2 Cache

Follow this guide to Flush Cache on your Magento 2 store

✓ Method #3. Download and install manually (Not recommended)

To download and install Hebrew pack manually, you have to access to your server via FTP or SFTP.

Step 1: Download the package

Step 1: Unzip and upload

Unzip the compressed file and upload file into app/i18n/Mageplaza/he_il/

See this screenshot:

Hebrew pack

This language pack code is: he_il

Step 2: Flush cache

Follow this guide to Flush Cache on your Magento 2 store

3. How to Active the Hebrew language pack

Now time to active the Hebrew language pack for your Magento 2 store. From Magento 2 admin panel, navigate to Stores > Configuration > General > Locale Options {{Magento 2 Hebrew language pack}}

4. How to contribute

Contribute to this language at :

  • On Crowdin: It takes time to approve your contribution by Magento team.
  • On Github: It's faster, our team will approve it after you send pull request.

5. Supported Magento versions

It supports all Magento 2 versions include Magento 2 open-source (Community), Magento 2 Commerce (EE), Magento Cloud, Magento B2B, Magento MSI.

  • Magento v2.0.x
  • Magento v2.1.x
  • Magento v2.2.x
  • Magento v2.3.x
  • Magento v2.4.x

6. Notes

  • This project automatically updates weekly from Crowdin.
  • Any question, issue please create a new issue

7. Language package authors

8. References

Mageplaza extensions on Magento Marketplace, Github