
Magento 2.2.0 Spanish Language Pack (es_CL)

dev-master 2017-10-27 04:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 01:55:10 UTC


Magento 2 Spanish Language Pack Chile version 1.0.1

Spanish translation for Magento 2.2.0 Translation es_CL (Spanish Chile).

Traduction de Magento 2 en Spanish.

See documentation:

Supported versions

  • Magento v2.2.0


BUG Magento 2 #7502

For some strange reason, and most likely it is a Magento 2 bug, it is that it does not update the shopping cart. It has been tested with es_CL and does not start the update of the cart.

The solution the BUG #7502? At the moment, until Magento 2 fixes Bug #7502, you should add the following to your vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Locale/Data/es_419.xml file the following, after decimalFormats numberSystem="latn":

  		<decimalFormats numberSystem="latn">
		<!-- Bug Magento 2 reported: -->
		<!-- This part is new  -->
		<!--  End of the added part -->
		<!-- End Bug Magento 2 reported: -->

Official version

Remember that for a translation if you want a more complete translation and adapted to the country Chile, you can acquire the official language pack of Magento Chile in:

Important Note:

This pack of languages, only contains the skeleton for translations (Not translated), which you can install and once installed can translate the file vendor/magentochile/magento2-traduccion-chile/es_CL.csv respectively.


composer require magentochile/magento2.2-traduccion-chile dev-master

php bin/magento cache:clean
