
a library for advance date time formatting and calculation

v1.0.0 2024-04-15 05:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 05:16:52 UTC


The MPL (MadByAd PHP Library) DateTime is a library used for advance date and time system. This library include, easily format and get the current date or/and time, a calculator for calculating time such as what the date is 20 days later or what the date is 20 days previously


to install the package go ahead and open composer then write the command

composer require madbyad/mpl-date-time


The MPL DateTime library. The library include 4 class. The Date class is used for advance storing and formatting of date, the Time class is used for advance storing and formatting of time, The DateFormat class which store a list of date formats you can use, and the DateCalculator class is used for calculating date such as what date will it be 20 days later or 20 days previously

Date class

The Date(int $time = null, bool $fromToday = false) class is used for advance storing and formatting of date. When creating a new Date class, it takes 2 optional parameter. The first is the time, if not given then it will default to null which will get the current date, if 0 then it will mean the beggining of the unix timestamp 1 January 1970, if it 86400 then it will mean 1 day after the beggining of the unix timestamp 2 January 1970. The second is to determine whether getting the time from the beggining of the unix timestamp or from today, if false then the time 0 will get the beggining of the unix timestamp, if true then the time 0 will get the current date, the time 86400 will get tommorow, and the time -86400 will get yesterday


// This class will store the current date
new Date; 

// This class will store the beggining of the unix timestamp "1 January 1970"
new Date(0); 

// This class will store 1 day after the beggining of the unix timestamp "2 January 1970"
new Date(86400);

// This class will store the current date
new Date(0, true); 

// This class will store the date tommorow
new Date(86400, true); 

// This class will store the date yesterday
new Date(-86400, true); 

Get Method

The get(string $format) will return the stored date data into a formatted date string, for the format you can get it from the DateFormat class which has a bunch of const that can be used for different type of format


$date = new Date(0);

// this will return "1/1/1970"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::D_M_YYYY);

// this will return "01/01/1970"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::DD_MM_YYYY);

// this will return "Thurday 1 January 1970 01:00"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::DAY_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN);

// this will return "1/1/1970"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::M_D_YYYY);

// this will return "01/01/1970"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::MM_DD_YYYY);

// this will return "January Thurday 1 1970 01:00"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::MONTH_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN);

// this will return "1970/1/1"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::YYYY_M_D);

// this will return "1970/01/01"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::YYYY_MM_DD);

// this will return "1970 January Thurday 1 01:00"
echo $date->get(DateFormat::YYYY_MONTH_DAY__HOUR_MIN);




"Thurday 1 January 1970 01:00"



"January Thurday 1 1970 01:00"



"1970 January Thurday 1 01:00"

GetArray Method

The getArray() method will return the stored date in a form of an associative array


$date = new Date(0);



    ["day"] => "1",
    ["dayWithZero"] => "01",
    ["dayName"] => "Thursday",
    ["month"] => "1",
    ["monthWithZero"] => "01",
    ["monthName"] => "January",
    ["year"] => "1970",
    ["yearTwoDigit"] => "70",
    ["hour"] => "01",
    ["minute"] => "00",
    ["second"] => "00",
    ["unix"] => "0",

GetUnix Method

The getUnix() method is will return the stored date in a form of a unix timestamp

Time Class

The Time(int $time = 0) class is used for advance storing and formatting of time. When creating a new class it take 1 optional parameter and that is the time (in a form of unix timestamp) default is 0


// Create a new class that store 0 time (0 second)
new Time();

// Create a new class that store 1 day
new Time(86400);

// Create a new class that store 1 month (30 days)
new Time(86400 * 30);

Setting Time

To set the time to a certain amount of time you can use the following method below. It only takes 1 parameter and that is the amount

$time = new Time();

// set the time to be 86400 second of unix timestamp (1 day)

// set the time to be 1 year

// set the time to be 1 month

// set the time to be 1 day

// set the time to be 1 hour

// set the time to be 1 minute

// set the time to be 1 second

Adding Time

To add a certain amount of time you can use the following method below. It only takes 1 parameter and that is the amount

$time = new Time();

// add 86400 second of unix timestamp (1 day)

// add 1 year

// add 1 month

// add 1 day

// add 1 hour

// add 1 minute

// add a second

Subtracting Time

To subtract a certain amount of time you can use the following method below. It only takes 1 parameter and that is the amount

$time = new Time();

// subtract 86400 second of unix timestamp (1 day)

// subtract 1 year

// subtract 1 month

// subtract 1 day

// subtract 1 hour

// subtract 1 minute

// subtract a second

Getting Time

To get a time you can use these method

// get the unix timestamp

// get the time year

// get the time month

// get the time day

// get the time hour

// get the time minute

// get the time second

To get the time as a form of associative array you can use the get() method


$time = new Time();




    ["unix"] => 33872461,
    ["year"] => 1,
    ["month"] => 1,
    ["day"] => 2,
    ["hour"] => 1,
    ["minute"] => 1,
    ["second"] => 1,

To get the time as a formatted string you can use the getString() method


$time = new Time();


echo $time->getString();


"1 year 1 month 2 days 1 hour 1 minute 1 second"

DateCalculator Class

The DateCalculator class contain methods for date and time calculation

Adding Time To Date

To add a time to a date use the add(Date $date, Time $time) method, it takes only 2 parameter. The first is the date and the second is the time


$date = new Date(0);

$time = new Time();

$newDate = DateCalculator::add($date, $time);

echo $date->get(DateFormat::DD_MONTH_YYYY);

echo $newDate->get(DateFormat::DD_MONTH_YYYY);


"01 January 1970"
"16 January 1970"

Subtracting Time From Date

To subtract a time from a date use the subtract(Date $date, Time $time) method, it takes only 2 parameter. The first is the date and the second is the time


$date = new Date(86400 * 15);

$time = new Time();

$newDate = DateCalculator::subtract($date, $time);

echo $date->get(DateFormat::DD_MONTH_YYYY);

echo $newDate->get(DateFormat::DD_MONTH_YYYY);


"16 January 1970"
"11 January 1970"

Calculate Time Gap

To calculate the time gap between 2 date you can use the timeGap(Date $firstDate, Date $secondDate) method which only takes 2 parameter and both of those are the date


$date = new Date(0);
$secondDate = new Date(86400 * 15);

$timeGap = DateCalculator::timeGap($date, $secondDate);
echo $timeGap->getString();

// also works in reverse
$timeGap = DateCalculator::timeGap($secondDate, $date);
echo $timeGap->getString();


"15 days"
"15 days"

DateFormat Class

The DateFormat class contains a list of constant which can be used to format a date in different variations

Constant Description
D_M_YY the date format in day (without leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (two digit)
D_M_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (without leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
D_M_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (without leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
D_MM_YY the date format in day (without leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (two digit)
D_MM_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (without leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
D_MM_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (without leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
D_MONTH_YY the date format in day (without leading zero), month (name), year (two digit)
D_MONTH_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (without leading zero), month (name), year (two digit), hour, minute
D_MONTH_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (without leading zero), month (name), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
DD_M_YY the date format in day (with leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (two digit)
DD_M_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (with leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
DD_M_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (with leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
DD_MM_YY the date format in day (with leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (two digit)
DD_MM_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (with leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
DD_MM_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (with leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
DD_MONTH_YY the date format in day (with leading zero), month (name), year (two digit)
DD_MONTH_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (with leading zero), month (name), year (two digit), hour, minute
DD_MONTH_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (with leading zero), month (name), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
DAY_M_YY the date format in day (name), month (without leading zero), year (two digit)
DAY_M_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (name), month (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
DAY_M_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (name), month (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
DAY_MM_YY the date format in day (name), month (with leading zero), year (two digit)
DAY_MM_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (name), month (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
DAY_MM_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (name), month (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
DAY_MONTH_YY the date format in day (name), month (name), year (two digit)
DAY_MONTH_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (name), month (name), year (two digit), hour, minute
DAY_MONTH_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (name), month (name), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
D_M_YYYY the date format in day (without leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (four digit)
D_M_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (without leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
D_M_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (without leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
D_MM_YYYY the date format in day (without leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (four digit)
D_MM_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (without leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
D_MM_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (without leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
D_MONTH_YYYY the date format in day (without leading zero), month (name), year (four digit)
D_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (without leading zero), month (name), year (four digit), hour, minute
D_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (without leading zero), month (name), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
DD_M_YYYY the date format in day (with leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (four digit)
DD_M_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (with leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
DD_M_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (with leading zero), month (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
DD_MM_YYYY the date format in day (with leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (four digit)
DD_MM_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (with leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
DD_MM_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (with leading zero), month (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
DD_MONTH_YYYY the date format in day (with leading zero), month (name), year (four digit)
DD_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (with leading zero), month (name), year (four digit), hour, minute
DD_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (with leading zero), month (name), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
DAY_M_YYYY the date format in day (name), month (without leading zero), year (four digit)
DAY_M_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (name), month (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
DAY_M_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (name), month (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
DAY_MM_YYYY the date format in day (name), month (with leading zero), year (four digit)
DAY_MM_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (name), month (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
DAY_MM_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (name), month (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
DAY_MONTH_YYYY the date format in day (name), month (name), year (four digit)
DAY_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in day (name), month (name), year (four digit), hour, minute
DAY_MONTH_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in day (name), month (name), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
M_D_YY the date format in month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (two digit)
M_D_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
M_D_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
MM_D_YY the date format in month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (two digit)
MM_D_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
MM_D_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
MONTH_D_YY the date format in month (name), day (without leading zero), year (two digit)
MONTH_D_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (name), day (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
MONTH_D_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (name), day (without leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
M_DD_YY the date format in month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (two digit)
M_DD_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
M_DD_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
MM_DD_YY the date format in month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (two digit)
MM_DD_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
MM_DD_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
MONTH_DD_YY the date format in month (name), day (with leading zero), year (two digit)
MONTH_DD_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (name), day (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute
MONTH_DD_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (name), day (with leading zero), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
M_DAY_YY the date format in month (without leading zero), day (name), year (two digit)
M_DAY_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (without leading zero), day (name), year (two digit), hour, minute
M_DAY_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (without leading zero), day (name), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
MM_DAY_YY the date format in month (with leading zero), day (name), year (two digit)
MM_DAY_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (with leading zero), day (name), year (two digit), hour, minute
MM_DAY_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (with leading zero), day (name), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
MONTH_DAY_YY the date format in month (name), day (name), year (two digit)
MONTH_DAY_YY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (name), day (name), year (two digit), hour, minute
MONTH_DAY_YY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (name), day (name), year (two digit), hour, minute, second
M_D_YYYY the date format in month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (four digit)
M_D_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
M_D_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
MM_D_YYYY the date format in month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (four digit)
MM_D_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
MM_D_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
MONTH_D_YYYY the date format in month (name), day (without leading zero), year (four digit)
MONTH_D_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (name), day (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
MONTH_D_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (name), day (without leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
M_DD_YYYY the date format in month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (four digit)
M_DD_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
M_DD_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
MM_DD_YYYY the date format in month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (four digit)
MM_DD_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
MM_DD_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
MONTH_DD_YYYY the date format in month (name), day (with leading zero), year (four digit)
MONTH_DD_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (name), day (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute
MONTH_DD_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (name), day (with leading zero), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
M_DAY_YYYY the date format in month (without leading zero), day (name), year (four digit)
M_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (without leading zero), day (name), year (four digit), hour, minute
M_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (without leading zero), day (name), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
MM_DAY_YYYY the date format in month (with leading zero), day (name), year (four digit)
MM_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (with leading zero), day (name), year (four digit), hour, minute
MM_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (with leading zero), day (name), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
MONTH_DAY_YYYY the date format in month (name), day (name), year (four digit)
MONTH_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN the date format in month (name), day (name), year (four digit), hour, minute
MONTH_DAY_YYYY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in month (name), day (name), year (four digit), hour, minute, second
YY_M_D the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero)
YY_M_D__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute
YY_M_D__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute, second
YY_MM_D the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero)
YY_MM_D__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute
YY_MM_D__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute, second
YY_MONTH_D the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (without leading zero)
YY_MONTH_D__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (without leading zero), hour, minute
YY_MONTH_D__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (without leading zero), hour, minute, second
YY_M_DD the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero)
YY_M_DD__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute
YY_M_DD__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute, second
YY_MM_DD the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero)
YY_MM_DD__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute
YY_MM_DD__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute, second
YY_MONTH_DD the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (with leading zero)
YY_MONTH_DD__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (with leading zero), hour, minute
YY_MONTH_DD__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (with leading zero), hour, minute, second
YY_M_DAY the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (name)
YY_M_DAY__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (name), hour, minute
YY_M_DAY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (without leading zero), day (name), hour, minute, second
YY_MM_DAY the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (name)
YY_MM_DAY__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (name), hour, minute
YY_MM_DAY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (with leading zero), day (name), hour, minute, second
YY_MONTH_DAY the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (name)
YY_MONTH_DAY__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (name), hour, minute
YY_MONTH_DAY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (two digit), month (name), day (name), hour, minute, second
YYYY_M_D the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero)
YYYY_M_D__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute
YYYY_M_D__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute, second
YYYY_MM_D the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero)
YYYY_MM_D__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute
YYYY_MM_D__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (without leading zero), hour, minute, second
YYYY_MONTH_D the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (without leading zero)
YYYY_MONTH_D__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (without leading zero), hour, minute
YYYY_MONTH_D__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (without leading zero), hour, minute, second
YYYY_M_DD the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero)
YYYY_M_DD__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute
YYYY_M_DD__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute, second
YYYY_MM_DD the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero)
YYYY_MM_DD__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute
YYYY_MM_DD__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (with leading zero), hour, minute, second
YYYY_MONTH_DD the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (with leading zero)
YYYY_MONTH_DD__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (with leading zero), hour, minute
YYYY_MONTH_DD__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (with leading zero), hour, minute, second
YYYY_M_DAY the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (name)
YYYY_M_DAY__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (name), hour, minute
YYYY_M_DAY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (without leading zero), day (name), hour, minute, second
YYYY_MM_DAY the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (name)
YYYY_MM_DAY__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (name), hour, minute
YYYY_MM_DAY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (with leading zero), day (name), hour, minute, second
YYYY_MONTH_DAY the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (name)
YYYY_MONTH_DAY__HOUR_MIN the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (name), hour, minute
YYYY_MONTH_DAY__HOUR_MIN_SEC the date format in year (four digit), month (name), day (name), hour, minute, second