
An Eloquent getter/filter/sorter pattern for Laravel

2.0.5 2024-07-05 08:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 09:48:59 UTC


This package adds and extendable Eloquent model getter/filter/sorter pattern to your Laravel project.


  1. Add package to your Laravel project: composer require maarsson/eloquent-getter
  2. Publish config file php artisan vendor:publish --tag=eloquent-getter-config


Models can be easily filtered or sorted using the package. Filter keys and sorter methods in the request without matching function in the getter class will be ignored.

  1. Create getter class to your existing model: php artisan make:getter 'YourModel'.

  2. Add the Maarsson\EloquentGetter\Traits\GetterableTrait trait to the model:

    namespace App\Models;
    use Maarsson\EloquentGetter\Traits\GetterableTrait;
    class YourModel
        use GetterableTrait;
  3. Add the required filtering method(s) to the created YourModelGetter class. Filter method names must be camel cased and must end with Filter:

    protected function nameFilter(string|null $searchString): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
        return $this->builder->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $searchString . '%');
  4. Get the filtered collection using the filter[] parameter in the query

    // HTTP GET //localhost/yourmodel?filter[name]=foo
    public function index(\App\Getters\YourModelGetter $getter)
        return $model
  5. Add the required sorting method(s) to the created YourModelGetter class. Sorter method names must be camel cased and must end with Sorter:

    protected function relatedModelDateSorter(): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
        return RelatedModel::select('date')
            ->whereColumn('this_model_column', 'related_table.column');
  6. Get the sorted collection using the sort_by parameter in the query

    // HTTP GET //localhost/yourmodel?sort_by=related_model_date
    public function index(\App\Filters\YourModelGetter $getter)
        return $model

Combined filtering, sorting and paginating

Get the filtered, sorted and paginated result by the helper methods.

// HTTP GET //localhost/yourmodel?filter[name]=foo&page=5&per_page=20&sort_by=related_model_date&sort_order=desc
public function index(\App\Filters\YourModelGetter $getter)
    return $model

The following request parameters are considered:

  • filter[] default: null
  • page default: 1
  • per_page default: 20
  • sort_bydefault: 'id'
  • sort_orderdefault: 'asc'

Loading attributes and relations

You can even control the model attributes to be fetched, including the relations (and its attributes). Just use simple dot-notated array passed to the withAttributes() method. In this example you can also see how to combine this with the pagination.

    // HTTP GET //localhost/yourmodel?filter[name]=foo&page=5&per_page=20&sort_by=related_model_date&sort_order=desc
    public function index(\App\Filters\YourModelGetter $getter)
        return $model
                fn ($item) => $item->withAttributes([
                    'name', // a model property
                    'finalPrice', // even a model accessor
                    'users' // a relation (with all of its attributes)
                    'users.posts:id,title', // a relations relation (with limited attributes)


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.