
Little class to send Discord message

1.0.1 2018-08-04 12:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 06:56:04 UTC


Very simple code to send single messages to discord channel.

This code was originally writen to send service messages about deploying my project to production.

How to Use



$ composer require agorlov/discordmsg

Create example.php:


use AG\DiscordMsg;

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

(new DiscordMsg('Greetings!'))->send();

Run it:

$ php example.php

Check discord chanel (for tests), your message is there:


Good old require_once

  1. Put Msg.php and DiscordMsg.php to your project:

  2. Check out how it works:


require_once 'Msg.php';
require_once 'DiscordMsg.php';

echo "To see dumb messages..\n";
echo "..join the discordmsg chanel https://discord.gg/Bh4EZB and enjoy!\n";
echo "Feel free to test!\n";

// First message
$msg = new \AG\DiscordMsg('Hello, Friends');

// Second message
(new \AG\DiscordMsg(
    'I started the example.php, something happened?',
    $_ENV["USER"] ?? 'Mr. Pitkin'

// Third message
(new \AG\DiscordMsg(
    "Maybe the missile is launched? :grimacing:", // message
    'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/475239272610398218/' . // chanel webhook link
    get_current_user(), // bot name
    '' // avatar url

$ php example.php

How to notify user

Thank to @bricecarbou (agorlov#3)

To notify anybody by webhook, we need to use the "real" id of user (recover in discord with @) and use $msg="<@id_recovered> ...

$msg = "<@4386638385456546554> is notified";
(new \AG\DiscordMsg(
  $msg, // message
  $webhookurl, // chanel webhook link
  "Trad Bot", // bot name
  '' // avatar url

How to get Webhook link

Open chanel preferences (if you have enough permissions): image

Create Webhook: image