
The "Translation Management" module simplifies translation tasks in OpenMage by providing an efficient way to create and update missing and existing translations from various modules. This module offers a user-friendly grid/edit dashboard in the Admin panel, allowing you to manage translations with

0.1.4 2023-10-24 15:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 18:27:50 UTC


The "Translation Management" module simplifies translation tasks in OpenMage by providing an efficient way to create and update missing and existing translations from various modules. This module offers a user-friendly grid/edit dashboard in the Admin panel, allowing you to manage translations with ease. Additionally, it can detect and capture missing translations when browsing the frontend.


  • Admin Translation Grid: Access a dedicated grid in the Admin panel to create and update translations.
  • Missing Translation Detection: Automatically capture missing translations while navigating the frontend.
  • CSV File Management: Update and manage CSV translation files for different languages.
  • Dynamic Module Configuration: If a module's CSV file is missing, the module guides you through the process of creating and updating it in the config.xml file.



    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "require": {
        "m-michalis/om-translator": "0.1.*"


  1. Enable Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Translate [InternetCode] > Enabled for specified scope/store_view.
  2. Navigate frontend pages and/or backend processes like sending emails.
  3. Check out System > Translation Management > Missing Translations and adjust.
  4. System > Translation Management > Manage Translations for existing translations.


  • OpenMage 20.0.x
  • Magento 1.9.x

Roadmap & TODOs

  • Auto-disable "catching" after certain time for improved performance


This module is released under the GPL-3.0 License.