
The Symfony Bundle, supporting the Tabulator JS library

1.0.1 2024-12-30 13:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:42:44 UTC


The Symfony Bundle, supporting the Tabulator library.

Please keep in mind that this library doesn't cover all the available functionality of the Tabulator library. I tried to create a tool that will simplify the handling of tables and dynamic data loading using Ajax requests.


Composer can install this bundle:

composer require m-adamski/symfony-tabulator-bundle


Tabulator initialization is done using the create function of the provided TabulatorFactory. All remaining configuration is performed on the created Tabulator object.

use Adamski\Symfony\TabulatorBundle\Adapter\Doctrine\RepositoryAdapter;
use Adamski\Symfony\TabulatorBundle\Column\DateTimeColumn;
use Adamski\Symfony\TabulatorBundle\Column\TextColumn;
use Adamski\Symfony\TabulatorBundle\Column\TwigColumn;
use Adamski\Symfony\TabulatorBundle\TabulatorFactory;
use App\Entity\Client;
use App\Repository\ClientRepository;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;

class ClientController extends AbstractController {
    public function __construct(
        private readonly TabulatorFactory $tabulatorFactory,
    ) {}

    #[Route("/{_locale}/client", name: "client", methods: ["GET"])]
    public function index(Request $request): Response {
        $clientTable = $this->tabulatorFactory
                "paginationSize" => 5,
            ->addColumn("name", TextColumn::class, [
                "title" => "Name",
            ->addColumn("secretToken", TextColumn::class, [
                "title" => "Token",
                "extra" => [
                    "widthGrow" => 2
            ->addColumn("active", TwigColumn::class, [
                "title"    => "Status",
                "template" => "modules/Client/table/active.html.twig"
            ->addColumn("creationDate", DateTimeColumn::class, [
                "title"  => "Created",
                "format" => "Y-m-d H:i",
            ->createAdapter(RepositoryAdapter::class, [
                "entity"        => Client::class,
                "query_builder" => function (ClientRepository $clientRepository) {
                    return $clientRepository->createQueryBuilder("client");

        if (null !== ($tableResponse = $clientTable->handleRequest($request))) {
            return $tableResponse;

        return $this->render("modules/Client/index.html.twig", [
            "table" => $clientTable

The next step is to prepare the JS file in which we will initialize the Tabulator. In the example below we use the functionality from the AssetMapper component, but it should work fine without it e.g. importing Tabulator from CDN (ignore first two imports from the code below).

import "tabulator-tables/dist/css/tabulator.min.css";
import { TabulatorFull as Tabulator } from "tabulator-tables";
import { readAttribute } from "./functions/read-attribute.js";
import { initTabulator } from "../../vendor/m-adamski/symfony-tabulator-bundle/src/Resources/public/js/tabulator.js";

let tableConfigAttr = readAttribute("table-config");

if (null !== tableConfigAttr) {
    let tableConfig = JSON.parse(tableConfigAttr);

    // Init Tabulator
    initTabulator(Tabulator, tableConfig).then((table) => {
        // Here you have access to the Tabulator instance

As you may have noticed, in the above example we use a custom readAttribute function. This is a function that reads the value from the data attribute.

import _ from "lodash";

export function readAttribute(value) {
    const currentScript = document.querySelector("script[type='importmap']");

    if (currentScript !== null) {
        return currentScript.dataset[_.camelCase(value)];

    return null;

Of course, it is up to you how you pass the configuration from the HTML template to JS.

Now we need to modify our template by adding the configuration that will be used during JS initialization. To prepare the configuration we will use tabulator_config Twig Extension.

{% extends 'base/container.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
    <div id="table">Loading data..</div>
{% endblock %}
{% block importmap %}
    {{ importmap(['application', 'table'], {'data-table-config': tabulator_config(table)}) }}
{% endblock %}

Available columns

Each available column has four basic options:

Name Type Default Value Description
title string - Title of the column
visible boolean true Decide whether the column will be visible or not
filterable boolean true Decides whether filtering by this column will be possible
extra array [] Tabulator Column Definition (all options given here will be passed to the JS script)


The basic column that is used to display values.

No additional options available.


A custom function is called to obtain the value to be displayed.

Additional options:

Name Type Default Value Description
callable callable - The function that will be called - the row will be passed as a parameter


Column that will display DateTime in a defined format.

Additional options:

Name Type Default Value Description
format string - Date format e.g. Y-m-d H:i:s


The value to display will be taken from the specified property of the row object. This column uses the PropertyAccess Component.

Additional options:

Name Type Default Value Description
property string - Property of the object from which the value to be displayed will be obtained. The PropertyAccess Component
nullValue string / null null The value that will be passed if the value of the property is null


A column that can display different content for different values of a boolean variable. It will create column with TickCross Formatter.

Additional options:

Name Type Default Value Description
tickElement string - Custom HTML for the tick element, if set to false the tick element will not be shown (it will only show crosses)
crossElement string - Custom HTML for the cross element, if set to false the cross element will not be shown (it will only show ticks)
allowEmpty boolean false Set to true to allow any truthy value to show a tick
allowTruthy boolean false Set to true to cause empty values (undefined, null, "") to display an empty cell instead of a cross


The column will be rendered based on the provided Twig template. It will create column with HTML Formatter.

Additional options:

Name Type Default Value Description
template string - Path to the Twig template file
passRow boolean false Decides whether to pass only the value from the defined column or the entire row/object to the given Twig template
