
Extensible library for validating and sanitizing various input sources like $_POST and routing parameters.

1.0.1 2020-02-10 19:17 UTC



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Extensible validation and sanitization library for various input sources like $_POST and routing parameters.

Why InSanity?

  • Supports validation of various input sources (per field configurable)
  • Extensible
  • Translatable
  • Supports global php functions like trim(), intval(), etc.
  • Supports array field inputs
  • No dependencies
  • Automated tests with 100% code coverage
  • Liberal license: zlib/libpng

Note: This has just been released, so it might not be perfect yet. Feel free to report issues, improvement ideas or create pull requests.


  • PHP >= 7.1


Install via composer:

composer require lusito/insanity

Include the autoloader in your php script, unless you've done that already:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


An example use-case:

use Lusito\InSanity\InSanity;


$in = new InSanity(); // or new InSanity($_GET) if you want to use $_GET as default instead of $_POST.
$in->site_id('Site ID', $_GET)->required->is_natural->intval; // use $_GET as input instead of $_POST for this field
$in->parent_id('Parent ID')->required->is_natural->intval;

$errors = $in->getErrors();
if ($errors) {
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode(['error' => "Invalid input!", 'validation_errors' => $errors], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
} else {
    // Get all values in an associative array:
    $json = $in->toJSON();

Alternatively, you can grab the values manually like this:

use Lusito\InSanity\InSanity;


$in = new InSanity(); // or new InSanity($_GET) if you want to use $_GET as default instead of $_POST.
$siteId = $in->site_id('Site ID', $_GET)->required->is_natural->intval->getValue(); // use $_GET as input instead of $_POST for this field
$parentId = $in->parent_id('Parent ID')->required->is_natural->intval->getValue();
$title = $in->title('Title')->required->trim->min_length(2)->max_length(255)->getValue();
$slug = $in->slug('Slug')->max_length(255)->getValue();
$visible = $in->visible('Visible')->required->is_bool->boolval->getValue();


The classes

This library consists of these classes:

  • InSanity: This coordinates the validation process.
  • Field: Used to chain rules and sanitizers to process values. Instances are automatically created.
  • RuleHandler: A class that contains the included rules.
  • ErrorHandler: Aggregates errors.
  • Translator: A class used to translate messages and field names.

The last 3 classes can be extended or even replaced with your own implementations if you feel like it.

Details follow:


This class receives 3 parameters:

  • An optional (associative) array that serves as the default input if none was specified. If this is null, $_POST will be used.
  • An optional instance of RuleHandler (or a replacement class). If null, a default RuleHandler is created.
  • An optional instance of ErrorHandler (or a replacement class). If null, a default ErrorHandler is created.

To start validation and sanitization on a field, call it like this:

$in = new InSanity();
$in->my_field_name('My Field Label')->required->trim->min_length(2);

This consists of 2 parts:

  • $in->my_field_name('My Field Label')
    • my_field_name is the field name as it exists in the input array.
    • My Field Label is the text that will be used when generating error messages.
    • This returns an instance of Field.
  • ->required->trim->min_length(2)
    • These apply your rules. Rule calls return the Field instance for easy chaining.

You can get errors using $in->getErrors(). If you need to access a field afterwards (or apply an additional later), you can access the fields later by using $in->my_field_name.

For convenience, a method $in->toJSON() exists, which will create an associative array field_name => field_value.


Field instances are created by InSanity (see above). The instance supports executing and chaining rules.

A rule can be run in 3 different ways:

// shortest way:
// does the same as:
// A parameter can be supplied like this:

The rule (and filter) methods are applied in order. If the given method returns a boolean value, it's interpreted as a rule, otherwise as a filter (the sole exception is boolval, see below).


  • A return value of false will fail the validation (and skip the rest of the rules)
  • A value of true will continue with the next rule (or filter).
  • Anything else will change the current value to what has been returned by the rule handler.

Some methods exist in addition to normal rule handling:

  • default(default): If value is null, value will be set to default.
  • boolval(): This was added for two reasons:
    • boolval from PHP doesn't work on the same values as the is_bool rule.
    • it returns true or false, which would normally be interpreted as a validation result and thus, not be stored.
  • getValue(): Gets the current value of the field (after rules have been applied)
  • getError(): Gets the error message, or null if no error has been set yet.
  • setFailed(rule, param=null): Sets the field to failed. An error message will be generated using the translator class.


As said, RuleHandler contains validation methods. That method receives 1-2 parameters. The first being the value to validate and the second is the parameter passed by the user (null if none given).

The following rules are included in the built-in RuleHandler class:

  • is_alpha (a-z)
  • is_alnum (a-z and 0-9)
  • is_alnum_dash (a-z, 0-9, _ and -)
  • is_numeric (a numeric value, prefixed by a + or a -)
  • is_integer (an integer value, prefixed by a + or a -)
  • is_natural (an integer value without prefix)
  • is_natural_no_zero (an integer value without prefix and above zero)
  • is_bool (true|false|on|off|yes|no|1|0)
  • valid_email (a valid e-mail address)
  • required (the trimmed value may not be empty)
  • min_length(length) (the value must have a minimum length)
  • max_length(length) (the value must have a maximum length)
  • exact_length(length) (the value must have a specified length)


If you plan on writing your own rules or if you need more than english as target language, you can either add/override translations by supplying an associative array to the constructor or you can write your own implementation.


The ErrorHandler builds and aggregates error messages. It will create a new Translator instance when needed. If you want it to use a custom Translator instance, either pass the instance as first argument to the constructor, or override the getTranslator() method.

Report isssues

Something not working quite as expected? Do you need a feature that has not been implemented yet? Check the issue tracker and add a new one if your problem is not already listed. Please try to provide a detailed description of your problem, including the steps to reproduce it.


Awesome! If you would like to contribute with a new feature or submit a bugfix, fork this repo and send a pull request. Please, make sure all the unit tests are passing before submitting and add new ones in case you introduced new features.


InSanity has been released under the zlib/libpng license, meaning you can use it free of charge, without strings attached in commercial and non-commercial projects. Credits are appreciated but not mandatory.