Luminark URL package.

0.5.0 2015-12-14 22:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:01:12 UTC


#Luminark URL Package

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composer require luminark/url

Add service provider to your config/app.php:


##Resource Model

Have the Eloquent model URLs will be pointing to use the Luminark/Url/Traits/HasUrlTrait trait and implement the Luminark/Url/Interfaces/HasUrlInterface interface.

##Resource Controller

The controller which will be handling URLs needs to use the Luminark/Url/Traits/HandlesUrlTrait trait and extend the getUrlResourceResponse(Url $url) method which receives the requested Url model.

In your routes.php (at the bottom) add a wildcard route handler which uses getUrlResource method. E.g.:

Route::get('{uri?}', ['uses' => 'UrlController@getUrlResource'])->where('uri', '.*');