
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A simple transformer for Laravel Eloquent models and collections.

1.0.0 2017-05-17 01:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-21 20:40:18 UTC


Simple Eloquent and Collection transformation. Useful for ensuring that your API outputs are consistent and preventing code duplication.


Install the package using composer:

composer require lukevear/laravel-transformer

To register the package with Laravel, add the collowing to config/app.php:


Optionally install the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LukeVear\LaravelTransformer\TransformerServiceProvider"

Creating Transformers

Creating transformers is easy. Simply extend the AbstractTransformer class and implement your required logic.

Transformers only require a run method. The run method is where you will implement any logic required to transform your model/collection.

For example, the below could be used to create a consistent 'User API model' for clients to consume.

The Transformer


namespace App\Transformers;

use App\User;
use LukeVear\LaravelTransformer\AbstractTransformer;

class UserTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
         * Transform the supplied data.
         * @param User $model
         * @return array
        public function run($model)
            return [
                'id'    => $model->id,
                'name'  => $model->first_name . ' ' . $model->last_name


return response()->json(
    transform($user, new UserTransformer)

Automatic Transformation

You can optionally specify which transformer to use for each Model in your codebase, and specify which 'group' of transformers to use.

To setup automatic transformation, edit config/laravel-transformer.php (ensure you ran the vendor:publish command above).

For example, if you have a v1 and v2 API, you may have the following in your configuration file:


return [

    | Model <-> Transformer Binding Groups
    | This allows you to specify which transformers should automatically be
    | used when the transform() function is provided a Eloquent model.
    'groups' => [
        'default' => [
            // App\User::class => App\Transformers\UserTransformer::class,
        'v1' => [
            App\Models\User::class                  => App\Transformers\v1\UserTransformer::class,
        'v2' => [
            App\Models\User::class                  => App\Transformers\v2\UserTransformer::class,


In your global middleware you can then specify which transformation group to use depending on the API version being consumed:

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    if ($request->is('v1*')) {
    } else {

    return $next($request);

You can then transform your User model in any controller using the following:

return response()->json(


When manually creating a transformer you can optionally supply additional 'includes' that provide context to the transformer.

For example, you may wish to include the user's settings model alongside the user model. To achieve this you could implement something like this:


namespace App\Transformers;

use App\User;
use LukeVear\LaravelTransformer\AbstractTransformer;

class UserTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
         * Transform the supplied data.
         * @param User $model
         * @return array
        public function run($model)
            $response = [
                'id'    => $model->id,
                'name'  => $model->first_name . ' ' . $model->last_name
            if ($this->hasInclude('settings')) {
                $response['settings'] = transform($model->settings, new UserSettingsTransformer);
            return $response;

To tell the transformer that you wish to include settings, you'd use the following in your route/controller:

return response()->json(
    transform($user, (new UserTransformer)->setIncludes(['settings'])