
Laravel package for creating simple REST API

2.0.0 2023-09-14 10:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-14 13:12:22 UTC


Laravel package for creating simple REST APIs.


Install the package using composer by executing following command:

composer require lujo/laravel-rest

Or you can add in composer.json the followign line:

"require": {
    "lujo/laravel-rest": "*"

And then run:

composer install


This Laravel package consists of two classes: RestRoute and RestController.

  • RestRoute does all the routing operations in function route(...) for specific resource.
  • RestController should be extended by some other controller class for specific resource.


1. Create Eloquent model

In order to use this REST package, first you must create eloquent model for some resource.

Example Article model:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Article extends Model {

    protected $table = 'article';

    protected $fillable = [

    // Optional realtions and other Eloquent stuff
    public function articleAuthor() {
        return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Author');

2. Create Controller

After model is created, you can create simple Controller class and EXTEND the RestController class from this package. Also, you must implement function getModel() which must return Eloquent model created in last step which is the resource you want to expose through this REST API.

Example Controller class:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use App\Models\Article;
use Lujo\Laravel\Rest\RestController;

class ArticleController extends RestController {

     * @return Model
    protected function getModel() {
        return new Article();
    // Optional override, transforms every model before returning it from API.
    protected function beforeGet($model) {
        return $model;
    // Optional override, transform received request before creating new model from it.
    protected function beforeCreate($request) {
        return $request->all();
    // Optional override, transform received request before updating existing model from it.
    protected function beforeUpdate($request) {
        return $request->all();
    // Optional override, perform some action on/with model before it is deleted.
    protected function beforeDelete($model) {
        return null;
    // Optional override, specify list of relations to return on specific action
    protected function getWith($request, $action) {
        if($action === 'INDEX') {
            return ['text'];
        return ['author', 'comments', 'text'];
    // Optional override, specify list of where statements to return on specific action
    protected function getWhere($request, $action) {
        if($action === 'DELETE') {
            return [['name', 'Test']];
        return [['status', 'ACTIVE'], ['enabled', true]];
    // Optional override, specify additional where query statement in form of a anonymous function
    protected function getWhereFunction($request, $action) {
        return function($q) {
            $q->where('name', 'Test')->orWhere('status', 'ACTIVE');

    // Optional override, when INDEX method is called and this method returns true, the returend JSON will contain 
    // count data used for pagination e.g. {result_count: 10, total_count: 45, data: [...results]}
    protected function withCountMetadata($request) {
        return false;

All optional override functions are not required if you are not using them, they can be safely left out from your controller class implementation.

3. Create routing

After previouse two steps are finished, open your Laravel routes in routes/web.php, and create routing structure using RestRoute class static function route($router, $prefix, $controller, $include = null).

Example routes/web.php rotuing:


use Laravel\Laravel\Routing\Router;
use Lujo\Laravel\Rest\RestRoute;

 * @var $router Router

// This will create all article routes ('INDEX', 'ONE', 'CREATE', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE') for routes /articles/*
RestRoute::route($router, 'articles', 'ArticleController', 'middleware1');

// This will create only 'INDEX' and 'ONE' for routes /users/*
RestRoute::route($router, 'users', 'UserController', ['middleware1', 'middleware2'], ['INDEX', 'ONE']);

// This will create only 'INDEX', 'CREATE' and 'UPDATE' routes for /example/* but apply middlewares only on CREATE and UPDATE
RestRoute::route($router, 'examples', 'ExampleController', ['CREATE' => ['middleware1', 'middleware2'], 'UPDATE' => 'middleware2'], 
        ['INDEX', 'CREATE', 'UPDATE']);

// This will create all routes and apply middleware1 and middleware2 to INDEX and ONE route, on others will middleware3 be applied.
RestRoute::route($router, 'users', 'UserController', ['INDEX,ONE' => ['middleware1', 'middleware2'], 'middleware3']);

// Example subgroup of routes (/article/authors/*) with middleware
$router->group(['prefix' => 'article', 'middleware' => 'middleware1'], function ($subRoute) {
        RestRoute::route($subRoute, 'authors', 'AuthorController');

Generated REST resource routes are in the following format:

* Get all resources has following HTTP GET URL parameters:

  • skip - How many resources to skip (e.g. 30)
  • limit - How many resources to retreive (e.g. 15)
  • sort - Filed on which to sort returned resources (e.g. 'first_name')
  • order - Ordering of returend resources ('asc' or 'desc')

Example HTTP GET request:



Content-type: application/json
X-Total-Count: 10
X-Result-Count: 6

Body when method withCountMetadata() returns false:

    {"id": 31, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}, 
    {"id": 32, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"},
    {"id": 33, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}, 
    {"id": 34, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}, 
    {"id": 35, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"},
    {"id": 36, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}

Body when method withCountMetadata() returns true:

    total_count: 10,
    result_count: 6,
    data: [
        {"id": 31, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}, 
        {"id": 32, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"},
        {"id": 33, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}, 
        {"id": 34, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}, 
        {"id": 35, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"},
        {"id": 36, "resource_name": "Resource name", "description": "Some resource description"}