ACL package for Laravel

v1.1 2021-04-17 01:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 08:44:04 UTC


Laravel Acl is a PHP package for Laravel Framework, used for manipulation of access control list. Package is providing an easier way to control roles and permissions of users on your site.


  • PHP >=7.0


  1. Type next command in your terminal:
composer require luizhenriqueferreira/LaravelAcl
  1. Add the service provider to your config/app.php file in section providers:

Laravel 5.5 uses Package Auto-Discovery, so does not require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.

'providers' => [
    // ...
    // ...
  1. Run the migrations:
php artisan migrate


Use the following traits on your User model:

// ...

use LuizHenriqueFerreira\LaravelAcl\Models\Traits\HasRoles;
class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasRoles;
    // ... Your User Model Code

Using in code

Check role

if ($user->hasRoles'('admin')) {
    // User is admin
// or
if ($user->hasRoles('admin', 'writer')) {
    // User is admin or writer
// or
if ($user->hasRoles(['admin', 'writer'])) {
    // User is admin or writer

Attach role




$user->attachRoles(1, 2);

$user->attachRoles('admin', 'writer');

$user->attachRoles(Role::find(1), Role::find(2));

$user->attachRoles(1, 'writer', Role::find(3));




$user->attachRoles([1, 2]);

$user->attachRoles(['admin', 'writer']);

$user->attachRoles([Role::find(1), Role::find(2)]);

$user->attachRoles([1, 'writer', Role::find(3)]);

The same function, Detach role

// ...
$user->detachRoles(2, 'writer', Role::find(2));
// ...
$user->detachRoles([2, 'writer', Role::find(2)]);

Clear all roles


Check permission

if ($user->hasPermissions('create-post')) {
    // User has permission "create post"
// or
if ($user->hasPermissions('create-post', 'update-post')) {
    // User has permission "create post" or "update post"
// or
if ($user->hasPermissions(['create-post', 'update-post'])) {
    // User has permission "create post" or "update post"

Attach permissions




$role->attachPermissions(1, 2);

$role->attachPermissions('create-post', 'update-post');

$role->attachPermissions(Permission::find(1), Permission::find(2));

$role->attachPermissions(1, 'update-post', Permission::find(3));




$role->attachPermissions([1, 2]);

$role->attachPermissions(['create-post', 'update-post']);

$role->attachPermissions([Permission::find(1), Permission::find(2)]);

$role->attachPermissions([1, 'update-post', Permission::find(3)]);

The same function, Detach permissions

// ...
$role->detachPermissions(1, 'update-post', Permission::find(3));
// ...
$role->detachPermissions([1, 'update-post', Permission::find(3)]);

Clear all permissions


See the code for more information... =)

Using blade directives

You also can use directives to verify the currently logged in user has any roles or permissions.

Check roles:

   <!-- User has role admin -->
   <!-- User has role writer -->
   <!-- ... -->
   <!-- User with other roles -->

or check more roles in one directive:

 @hasroles(['admin', 'writer'])
    <!-- User has next roles: admin, writer -->

Check permissions:

    <!-- User can create post -->
    <!-- User can edit post  -->

Using middlewares

You can use role middleware for check access to some routes

Route::middleware(['role:admin'])->group(function() {
    // Only for user with role admin
    Route::get('/admin', function() {
        // some code


also you can use permission middleware

Route::middleware(['permission:create-post'])->group(function() {
    // Only for user with permission create post
    Route::get('/admin/post', function() {
        // some code

or use role and permission middleware together

Route::middleware(['role:admin,moderator', 'permission:remove-post'])->group(function() {
    // Only for user with role moderator and with permission create post
    Route::get('/admin/post/remove', function() {
        // some code


Laravel Acl package is licensed under the MIT License.