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Primal it's a PHP framework for Restful service.

1.0.5 2018-04-01 16:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 15:02:19 UTC


Primal it's a PHP framework for Restful service.


Install using composer


  "require": {
    "luismoralesp/primal": "1.0.5"

Get Started

The first stpep for use Primal is star a new proyect, we will use the bellow command:

$ php /vendor/luismoralesp/primal/install.php 
$ php manage.php startapp myapp

Then we will have a new folder structure:

  • myapp
    • models
    • views
      • Myapp.php
  • index.php

myapp folder is our proyect folder inside it we will found the models folder where we will put our models class files and views folder where we will put our view class files, by default a file class was createt with our project the name but with first word uppercase this important for this framework.

Inside the file we will found the bellow code:


  class Myapp extends JsonView {
     * This is an autogenerated code for started project
    public function index(){
      return '{"message": "Congratulation this is your first service using primal"}';

and finally a file in the root, named index.php, here we will found the our project configuration routing, by default we will found this code:

   * Import kernel framework and routing 
  require_once 'vendors/primal/kernel/Kernel.php';
  require_once 'vendors/primal/kernel/Router.php';
   * Set a default routing
  $router = Router::getInstance('myapp.myapp.index');
   * Configure routing
      'hi' => 'myapp.myapp.index'
   * Show routed service
  echo $router->rout(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));

With the parameter in de Router::getInstance(default_rouing) will set the path to the serive method in the view file, using the bello format:


So, if we invoke / or /hi/ in the web browser We will recive:

{"message": "Congratulation this is your first service using primal-php"}

Creating a model

A model reprecent directly a table in the data base, the model is an interface for manipulate each database table.

For define an model we will need to create a class with the same name that our table and extends it from base class Model.

class MyModel extends Model{

Each model need belong to an app, for this we must to use:


So in our class file we have to define our fields and contrains.

  private $id;
  private $first_name;
  private $last_name;
  private $tel;
  public function __construct(){
    $this->id = Constrain::pk($this);
    $this->first_name = Input::create_text('first_name');
    $this->last_name = Input::create_text('last_name');
    $this->tel = Input::create_integer('tel');
  /* So your getters and setters */
  • The Constrain::pk method is used primary key fields for this model, see about more contrains in the tuto.
  • The Input::create_text and Input::create_integer methods specify a varchar and int columns respectly in the table reprecented by this model, read about more inputs in the tuto.

For use that model class in our view file we will have to import it, using the bellow line:

Kernel::import('app.MyModel ');

Then we can use the model in our view, for example calling a filter method, it we will return all rows in our table for this model:


Then we will to have a view file like this:

  Kernel::import('app.MyModel ');
  class Myapp extends JsonView {
     * This is an autogenerated code for started project
    public function index(){
      return MyModel::persistence()->filter();