
A PSR-18 API wrapper for GAR french administration API

v1.0.0 2022-10-19 11:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 13:07:34 UTC


GAR is a French government SSO mostly used for colleges and high schools. This SDK provide an abstraction layer for PHP integration.

Current GAR version supported : 6.1 - June 2022



composer req ludicat/api-gar

You'll need a PSR-18 http api package, there is an embedded GuzzleAdapter. If you want to create yours, just extends Ludicat\ApiGar\Adapter\AbstractAbonnementWs

composer req php-http/guzzle7-adapter

Quick start

We assume you already applied to the GAR service and for a certified pem key. (remember to provide them with your app "notice")

First, create a client :

$serviceProvider = new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\ServiceProvider(
    '123456789', // Your company siret
    \Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\ServiceProvider::ISNI_NONE, // ISNI number or none constant
    'ark:/12345/myRessource' // Your resource ID
// Could be another adapter
$adapter = new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Adapter\GuzzleAdapter(
    __DIR__.'/config/cert/app.pem', // Pem key (certified by government)
    __DIR__.'/config/cert/app.key', // Private key
    'Accordeon' // Private key pass,
    Ludicat\ApiGar\Adapter\AbonnementWsInterface::ENDPOINT_DEV // Default one
    // Ludicat\ApiGar\Adapter\AbonnementWsInterface::ENDPOINT_PROD // Once you're ready for production, please use this constant instead.
$client = new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Client($adapter, $serviceProvider);

Then you can call for any method :

// Create / retrieve the Abonnement object, you can pass the $serviceProvider for default values preset (recommanded)
$abonnement = new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\Abonnement($serviceProvider);
    ->setCommentaireAbonnement('Ceci est un test')
    ->setDebutValidite((new \DateTime())->format('Y-m-d\T00:00:00'))
    ->setAnneeFinValidite(date('Y')  . '-' . (date('Y')+1))
    ->setLibelleRessource('Centre de ressources pedagogiques en francais')

// Optional, you can validate the object here for easier data control
$validator = new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Validator\AbonnementValidator();
$validatorResponse = $validator->validate($abonnement);
if (!$validatorResponse->isValid()) {
    foreach ($validatorResponse->getViolations() as $violation) {
    printf('%s: %s', $violation->getProperty(), $violation->getMessage());
    echo PHP_EOL;

// Send request
$response = $client->create($abonnement);
// $response = $client->update($abonnement);
// $response = $client->delete($abonnement);

// Please note they use 201 (as it should be) for OK create response, not 200
if (201 === $response->getStatusCode()) {
    // Logic
// Don't forget to save your idAbonnement somewhere if you used the default generated one

Fetch all Abonnement

// Create client
// Then just call this method 
$result = $client->getAbonnements();

You can filter on specific criteria (as explained in GAR documentation)

$abonnementFilter = new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\AbonnementFilter();
    ->setTri(\Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\AbonnementFilter::TRI_DSC) // Default sort column to id abonnement
    ->addFiltre((new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\Filtre(
    ->addFiltre((new \Ludicat\ApiGar\Model\Filtre(

// A list of Abonnement objects
$result = $client->getAbonnements($abonnementFilter);

Fetch all Etablissement

// A list of Etablissement objects
$result = $client->getEtablissements();

Run tests

make tests