lucidnetworks / laravel-modular
Modular pattern generator for Laravel 5
- php: >=5.4.0
- laravel/framework: >=5.1.6
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 21:43:35 UTC
Structure to use laravel as modular system
To install this app:
- Include
"lucidnetworks/laravel-modular": "^1.0"
on your require composer.json - Add
to your config/app providers array - Run
php artisan vendor:publish
- Run
php artisan migrate
###Modules activation or desactivation To activate or desactivate a module just insert your moduleName on _modules array into your modules config file
####Environement configuration
You can specify in your .env file another config file for modules using the key MODULES_CONFIG_FILE
Ex: Use MODULES_CONFIG_FILE=modules_my_site
tu use file modules_my_site as configuration file, you can otherwise use MODULES_CONFIG_FILE=my_config.modules
to specify an array inside my_config file
#Create New Module:
- Create your module structure with
php artisan modules:new ModuleName
- Add your module name into _modules inside modules.php or your specific modules configuration file
##Modules structure
- boot.php => I'ts loaded when module its instanciated, place here your module routes, hooks, at any thing we enat to load on module boot
- config.php => Module configuration file, this config will be loadable with
- views/ => Module views, these views will be loadable with
these views are overloadable - lang/ => Module translations, this translations will be loadable with
(Use one subfolder for each language, as usual) - assets/ => Module public files, this files will be into this public url {your_laravel_url}/modules/{moduleName}/{path_inside_assets_folder}
- migrations/ => Module migrations, see migrations section to know how to do
- tests/ => Module test, see tests section to know how to do
##Module routing:
Module routes must be declarated on boot.php, remember you must to use complete namespaces on all methods called into routes or use the namespace property
To use routes with parameters use route key 'params_closure' => function(){}
who receives a closure that returns all params nedded to create the route
Route sample: Route::group(['middleware' => ['web','auth'], 'as'=>'admin::', 'namespace' => 'Modules\Admin\Controllers', 'params_closure' => function(){ return ['id' => 23]; }], function() { /* route code */ });
Hooks allow to register funtions that can be called from your app views
To add a hook use ModulesManager::attachHook(string Point, string Name, callable Closure)
normally hooks must be added into boot.php
- Point: Attach point where the hook will be assigned
- Name: Internal unique name for the hook, use always {module_name}::{hook_name} as name. Ex MyModule::MyHook
- Closure: This closure must return an string that will be concatenated with all other hooks attached to the same point when
was called
###Hooks ordenation:
Each time ModulesManager::attachHook
was called, hook will be saved into database, that's allow to order hook depending your preferences, if you don't set an order all hooks will be ordered between his insertion into database
Hook Example:
ModulesManager::attachHook('admin.actionBar','MyModule::HookAction1', function(){ return 'TEST-HOOK'; });
###Hooks use:
To get your registered hooks content use ModulesManager::getHook({attach_point})
this will return all html returned by all hooks was registered to this attach_point
##Module public methods registration
This tool allow you to register a method that can be called as a hook, but in this case it can returns any kind of result, that allow you to set any method of your module public
To register a method as public use ModulesManager::registerModuleFunc(string Name, callable Closure);
- Name: Public unique name for the function, use always {module_name}::{function_name} as name. Ex MyModule::MyFunction
- Closure: Function will receive an array of params and return any kind of result, Ex: function($params){ /* some code */ }
###Calling a module public method
After register a method on your module you can access it from anywhere using
ModulesManager::callModuleFunc(string Name, array Params = [], Default = null)
or callModuleFuncOrFail
with same signature if you want to generate an exception if {method_name} has not been registered
- Name: Public unique name for the function, use always {module_name}::{function_name} as name. Ex MyModule::MyFunction
- Params: Array of parameters for the method, will be receibed by the closure
- Default: Value will be returned if Name has not been registered
callModuleFuncOrFail(string Name, array Params = [],string Message = '')
will generate an exception if Name has not been registered, in this case Message it's the message will be show by the generated exception. Ex 'You must to install x module'
##Assets: Each module can have his own public files, to create public content just put ir into your module assets folder, this content will be putted into the next public url {your_laravel_base_url}/modules/{moduleName}/{path_to_your_file_from_assets}
For security reasons ../ is not allowed into paths
#ModulesManager utilities:
##Application messages:
You can register application messages with the method ModulesManager::displayHeaderMessage(string $message, string $type = 'danger', string $title = '', bool $dismissible = true, string $icon = '')
before you can get your messages at any time with ModulesManager::getHeaderMessages()
As an example you can register your module error messages and use getHeaderMessages to whow them into your app
##Static arrays ::css y ::js
This two static arrays of ModulesManager allow you to inject some css and js filenames from your modules, Ex: ModulesManager::js[] = '/modules/MyModule/js/test.js'
After this you can get all filenames accessing ModulesManager::js
or ModulesManager::css
wherever you need, as an example you can use this arrays into your header template to load all files needed by your modules
Remember that if you want to use a file from your module assets folder you must to use his public path /modules/{moduleName}/{path_to_your_file_from_assets}
To execute your module migrations run artisan modules:migrate ModuleName
If you want to rollback a migration use artisan modules:migrate ModuleName --down
If your modules configuration file is different than modules.php you must specify your config file or config key like this artisan modules:migrate ModuleName YourConfigFile
or artisan modules:migrate ModuleName YourConfigFile --down
To execute your module tests run artisan modules:test ModuleName
or just artisan modules:test
if you want to run all activated modules tests.
If your modules configuration file is different than modules.php you must specify your config file or config key like this artisan modules:test ModuleName YourConfigFile
or artisan modules:test all YourConfigFile
for all tests
Remember all test will be runned as if it's into your laravel test folder and not into your module test folder, then all test must to extend from TestBase without any namespace
#Artisan commands
You can add your module artisan commands easily, just add into _commands array inside your module config.php file the className for your command. Ex: '_commands' => ['App\Modules\MyModule\commands\testCommand']