
Symfony Bridge Bundle for moneyphp/money library

Installs: 10

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.0 2020-12-26 09:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-26 17:33:29 UTC



The aims of this bridge bundle are:

Simple Symfony Bridge Bundle for moneyphp/money library useful for integration with Api Platform. If you need more complex bundle with Symfony form integration, Twig filters and etc. look at -> tbbc/money-bundle package

  1. Compatibility with Doctrine - Money\Money and Money\Currency are mapped to be used as Embeddables classes
  2. Mapped with Symfony Serializer groups - there are 2 groups per class, for input and output. (money:output, money:input, currency:output, currency:input)
  3. Mapped with Validator constraint - Moneys' amount property is mapped with NotBlank and with custom Amount constraint (there is the possibility to change behaviour - amount to be only positive or positive_and_zero). Currency is mapped with Currency constraint and Currencies' code property is mapped with custom CurrencyCodeChoice constraint (there is the possibility to change allowed Currencies' codes)


PHP 7.4+; Symfony 4.4+; moneyphp/money 3.3+


Via Composer

$ composer require lubo13/money-bridge-bundle

Bundle should be auto enabled, just check and if not add it to config/bundles.php

Money\Bridge\MoneyBridgeBundle::class => ['all' => true],


By default, bundles come with preconfigured options that you can change in your favour.

To change some of the preconfigured options create money_bridge.yaml file in config/packages with the following content:

    integer_part: 12 # How many digits will you have before the dot -> 1234.
    fractional_part: !php/const Money\Bridge\Util\AmountFormatter::MONEY_FRACTIONAL_PART # How many digits will you have after the dot -> .00
    default_currency_code: 'EUR' # With this option you can control default currency (useful with usage of Serializer or [Api Platform](
    allowed_currency_code: [ 'EUR' ] # With this option you can control allowed currency when the Currency is validated.
    amount_validation_rule: positive # There are two option positive or positive_or_zero. With this option, you can control input data on Deserialization process. (useful with usage of Serializer or [Api Platform](

To use Money and Currency library as embeddables classes:

* @ORM\Embedded(class="Money\Money")
private Money $price;


* @ORM\Embedded(class="Money\Money")
private $price;

Also if you write your migration manual you need to add the two new columns to your table:

$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE YOUR_TABLE_NAME ADD price_currency_code VARCHAR(3) NULL');

To allow property of Money and Currency to be serialized and deserialized properly in your favour you can use the following groups:

For deserialize:

    money:input -> Moneys' amount property
    currency:input -> for Currencies' code property

For serialize:

    money:output -> Moneys' amount property
    currency:output -> for Currencies' code property

Format price amount somewhere in your app to be compatible with Money library:

\Money\Bridge\Util\AmountFormatter::getAmountWithoutFractional('100.99', 2);


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.