
Manages a maintenance screen

v1.1.0 2019-10-08 18:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 01:17:14 UTC


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This package allows you to enable a maintenance screen for your website.


composer require luar/maintenance-screen


To use it in your project simply include the following in the index.php of the website:

use Luar\MaintenanceScreen;

$maintenance = new MaintenanceScreen(array(
	'enable' => true,
	'visible_hosts' => array()



The following options can be sent to load() in an associative array.

'enable' => false, // enable or disable the screen

// ip addresses that can continue to see the web even though it is active
'visible_hosts' => array (

// optionals
'flag' => 'maintenance.flag', // Activated or deactivated based on the existence of file
'img_path' => 'maintenance.jpg', // Show the indicated image
'title' => 'Maintenance title', // Show the title written
'text' => 'This site is in testing.', // Shows the indicated text
'css_path' => 'style.css', // Includes custom style sheet
'bgcolor' => 'black' // Modifies the background of the screen
'language' => 'ES' // To change the default language to Spanish