
Bundle to increase the functionalities for application developed for symfony flex systems

Installs: 48

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-full 2021-10-23 17:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 23:21:46 UTC


composer require lturi/symfony-extensions

Installing it through composer is enough (if the project is developed following common symfony rules) to make it work.

In order to enable the 2 routes (routes collector and translations) e little modifications to project config files may be necessary. Open the config/routes.yaml file and add:

  resource: lturi_symfony_extensions\
  type: extra


  • Utility classes:
    • ApiController (better solution to manage generic ApiController then AbstractController)
    • RestApiController (contains the base function to manage a rest api endpoint)
  • Controllers:
    • RoutesController (exposes all routes of the project)
    • TranslationController (exposes translation of the project, only for main translations)
  • Exceptions
    • ValidationsErrorsException (exception for multiple errors in the message)
  • Services
    • EntityNormalizer (normalizer able to detect if the object refers to an entity, and eventually load it)
    • ApiResponse (better solution to answer to an endpoint with a json response)
    • HttpExceptionService (service used to manage in better ways the exceptions)
    • SerializerService (serializer service configured with common normalizers etc and EntityNormalizer)
  • Validators
    • SafeString (validate a string for database XSS injection)

Refer to full doc to get details about the single component

TODO: cacheable response fix

  • Since symfony is not completely capable of handling cached response, here is
    a little fix for that. Insert in the index.php file something like
if ('prod' === $kernel->getEnvironment()) {
    $kernel = new CachedKernel($kernel);

and automatically each response returned of the types CachableResponse or CachableApiResponse will be cached.

completion of parts:

  • commandApi: completed
  • graphQLApi: 66%
  • jsonApi: 66% to be rafactored, is now broken
  • restApi: 0
  • rest: to be refactored into restApi/framework and then removed
  • package.json/composer.json: TO CHECK FOR DEPENDENCIES

User management:

composer require symfony/security-bundle

# config/packages/security.yaml
    enable_authenticator_manager: true

        # this name is casual, class and property should match to this snippet
                class: Lturi\SymfonyExtensions\Framework\Entity\User
                property: username
        # insert whatever algoritm you want
        algorithm: sha512

Command api example

Data for create/update goes into "data", while criterias into "filters"

php bin/console command-api:create site --content '{\"data\": {\"name\": \"test api create\", \"baseUrl\":\"test\", \"siteUrls\":[{\"url\":\"testSiteUrl\"}]}}'




if related entity, add on the property this annotation
