ltidev / video-moderation
Content Moderation SDK
- verifymycontent/sdk: 2.4.0
PHP SDK to use the VerifyMyContent Video Moderation service.
composer require verifymycontent/video-moderation
Get Started
The main class to handle the moderation integration process is the VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation
. It will abstract the HMAC generation for the API calls.
Start a Moderation
Use the start
method to create a moderation, like the example below:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $response = $moderation->start(new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\ContentModeration\Entity\Requests\CreateStaticContentModerationRequest([ "content" => [ "type" => "video", "external_id" => "YOUR-VIDEO-ID", "url" => "", "title" => "Uploaded video title", "description" => "Uploaded video description", ], "webhook" => "", "customer" => [ "id" => "YOUR-CUSTOMER-UNIQUE-ID", "email" => "", "phone" => "+4412345678" ] ])); // save $response->id if you want to call the moderation status endpoint later // redirect uploader to check identity header("Location: {$response->redirect_url}");
Retrieve Moderation by ID
Retrieves a specific moderation to get current status. Example:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $response = $moderation->get($moderationID); // Printing current status echo "Status: {$response->status}";
Live Stream
To moderate a live stream broadcast you'll need to use different APIs as described below.
Create a Live Stream Moderation
Use the createLivestream
method to create a live stream moderation, like the example below:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $response = $moderation->createLivestream(new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\ContentModeration\Entity\Requests\CreateLiveContentModerationRequest([ "external_id" => "YOUR-LIVESTREAM-ID", "embed_url" => "", "title" => "Live stream title", "description" => "Live stream description", "webhook" => "", "stream" => [ "protocol" => "webrtc", "url" => "", ], "customer" => [ "id" => "YOUR-CUSTOMER-UNIQUE-ID", "email" => "", "phone" => "+4412345678" ] ])); // save $response->id to start live stream later // redirect uploader to check identity header("Location: {$response->login_url");
Start a created Live Stream Moderation
When you receive the webhook with the status Authorised
, it means you can now start to broadcast a live stream, you can then use the startLivestream
method to trigger the moderation:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $success = $moderation->startLivestream($_GET['id'], new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\ContentModeration\Entity\Requests\StartLiveContentModerationRequest([ "embed_url" => "", "stream" => [ "protocol" => "rtmps", "url" => "rtmps://your-server:443/your-video-stream" ], ])); var_dump($success === true);
Note: You'll have a limit of time to send this request after you received the webhook notifying the user was authorised to start the broadcast.
Updating Live Stream moderation rules
This endpoint allows you to update the moderation rules for a specific live stream
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $success = $moderation->changeLivestreamRule($_GET['id'], new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\ContentModeration\Entity\Requests\ChangeLiveContentRuleRequest([ "rule" => "no-nudity" ])); var_dump($success === true);
Complaint Resolution
To start a complaint for previously uploaded content. You need to send the original content and the violations raised by the user.
Create a Complaint Moderation
Use the createComplaintModeration
method to create a complaint moderation, like the example below:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $response = $moderation->createComplaintModeration(new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\Complaint\Entity\Requests\CreateStaticContentComplaintRequest([ "content" => [ "description" => "Your description", "external_id" => "YOUR-VIDEO-ID", "tags" => [ "VIOLATION_1" ], "title" => "Your title", "type" => "video", "url" => "" ], "customer" => [ "id" => "YOUR-USER-ID" ], "webhook" => "" ])); var_dump($response);
Create a Live Stream Complaint Moderation
Use the createComplaintLivestream
method to create a live stream complaint moderation, like the example below:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $response = $moderation->createComplaintLivestream(new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\Complaint\Entity\Requests\CreateLiveContentComplaintRequest([ "complained_at" => "2022-11-04T12:04:08.658Z", "customer" => [ "id" => "YOUR-USER-ID" ], "stream" => [ "external_id" => "YOUR-LIVESTREAM-ID", "tags" => [ "VIOLATION_1" ] ], "webhook" => "" ])); var_dump($response);
Create a Consent Complaint
Use the createComplaintConsent
method to create a complaint consent moderation, like the example below:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); $moderation = new VerifyMyContent\VideoModeration\Moderation(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); //$moderation->useSandbox(); $response = $moderation->createComplaintConsent(new \VerifyMyContent\SDK\Complaint\Entity\Requests\CreateConsentComplaintRequest([ "content" => [ "external_id" => "YOUR-VIDEO-ID" ], "customer" => [ "id" => "YOUR-USER-ID" ], "webhook" => "" ])); var_dump($response);
Webhook Security
In order to confirm that a webhook POST was sent from VerifyMyContent, we provide a helper class to validate that the Authorization header was sent correctly. Example:
<?php require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"); // get request body $body = file_get_contents('php://input'); // get headers $headers = getallheaders(); // instantiate VerifyMyContent helper class $hmac = new VerifyMyContent\Commons\Security\HMAC(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET')); // validate hmac Authorization if(!array_key_exists('Authorization', $headers) || !$hmac->validate($headers['Authorization'], $body)) { die("This request did not come from VerifyMyContent"); } // you can do your logic now, the webhook was called from VerifyMyContent. var_dump($body);