lsrur / codeblade
A handy and powerful code generator for Laravel
- php: ^8.0
- illuminate/support: ^9.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-13 14:04:19 UTC
As programmers we always face the tedious need to write repetitive code for different models or tables of our application. As a code generator, CodeBlade will relieve you of that boredom but with two big differences from other similar tools:
CodeBlade does not require you to write and maintain definition files (json, yaml or any other metadata file), instead it reverse-engineers your database on the fly and exposes a data dictionary to your templates for code generation.
CodeBlade let you write your own templates in pure Blade! Yes, the power of Laravel Blade generating Laravel components such as models, controllers, views, seeders, factories, form requests... but also Vue, React, Livewire, html or any source code you need, just write the template with the Blade syntax you already know.
Code Blade is at an early stage, please tell me about your experience installing and getting started with it.
Table of Contents
- Requirements
- Instalation
- Configuration
- Code generation
- Writing templates
- Contributing
- Security
- License
Laravel 9+ (CodeBlade uses a new feature in Laravel 9 for inline compilation of Blade templates).
MySQL (For now, CodeBlade only works with MySQL/MariaDB connections. Reverse engineering for pgsql is on the way).
You can install the package via composer:
composer require lsrur/CodeBlade
Publish the configuration file (it will be useful):
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lsrur\Codeblade\CodebladeServiceProvider"
Prepare the templates folder in your project and copy the examples:
php artisan codeblade:install
There are two configuration keys in config/CodeBlade.php:
Code generation
php artisan codeblade:make <template> <table1,table2> --params= --force --copy
Template parameters
CodeBlade allows you to specify one or multiple (comma separated with no spaces) parameters that will be passed to the template:
php artisan codeblade:make mytemplate mytable --params=flag,foo=bar
Those parameters will be usable from the template as follows:
@if($params->flag) flag is ON @endif @if(! $params->noexist) noexist is OFF or does not exists @endif {{$params->foo}} // Result 'bar' @foreach($params->all as $key=>$value) {{$key}} @endforeach // Result flag foo
Writing templates
Every time we execute a "make" command, CodeBlade reverse-engineers the tables involved, creating a data dictionary which passes to the code generation template in the form of a Table object. Then we write our templates as follows:
@forarch($table->fields as $field) @if(! $field->is_autoincrement) {{$field->camel()->prepend('$')}} = $request->{{$field->name}}; @endif @endforeach
Table Properties
Field Properties
* These properties can be overridden by custom_properties
Base types
Base types are useful for grouping fields of similar -but not the same- data types.
@foreach($Table->fields as $field) @includeIf($field->base_type == 'string', 'partials.forms.textinput'); @includeIf($field->base_type == 'integer', 'partials.forms.integerinput'); @endforeach
Custom properties
CodeBlade will parse the "comment" metadata of each field looking for custom properties. You can add these properties in the field definition during migration in the following way:
... Schema::create('contacts', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string("company_name") ->comment("faker=company(),flag,foo=bar"); ...
Then those properties will be available in your templates as direct properties of each field.
@foreach($tabe->fields as $field) @if($field->flag) // 'flag' will be true for company_name @endif @if($field->foo == 'bar') // @endif ${{$field->name->camel()}} = faker()->{{$field->faker}}; // result: $companyName = faker()->company(); @endforeach
Relation Properties
Properties returned as Stringable instances can be used as-is or by chaining \Str methods:
{{$Table->name}} // contacts {{$Table->name->singular()->title()->append('Controller'}} // ContactController @foreach($Table->fields as $field) {{$field->name->camel()->prepend('$')}} = $request->{{$field->name}}; // $companyName = $request->company_name; @endforeach
Blade Directives
Tells CodeBlade where to write the generated code. If a template does not specify this directive, the resulting code will be copied to the clipboard.
// for table "contacts", the file will be written in app/Http/Controllers/ContactController.php
Tells CodeBlade to execute another template, same tables and parameters will be applied.
{{-- This is a CRUD template --}} @cbRun('model') @cbRun('controller') @cbRun('edit_view') @cbRun('create_view') @cbRun('index_view')
Wraps the output in curly braces, useful when generating Blade or Vue views.
@cbCurly({{$table->name->singular()->prepend('$')}}->{{$field->name}}) => {{$contact->company_name}} <div>@cbCurly({{$table->name->singular()}}.{{$field->name}})</div> => <div>{{contact.company_name}}</div>
Example Templates
Take a look at the samples folder of this repo.
In order not to interfere with your project, the template examples provided generate code in yourprojectroot/generatedcode
folder. Change the cbSaveAs line in the templates to write in the appropriate project folders.
The examples are provided to guide you in developing your own templates, they are not admin panel builders or anything like that.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.