lovecn / alipaybatchphp
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2016-01-12 08:14 UTC
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Last update: 2024-12-11 18:52:23 UTC
composer require lovecn/alipaybatchphp
/** * 支付宝转账 * @param string $batch_no 转账批次号 * @param string $batch_fee 付款总金额 * @param string $batch_num 付款总笔数 * @param string $detail_data 付款详细数据 * @return string 跳转支付宝 */ public function alipay($batch_no, $batch_fee, $batch_num, $detail_data) { $notify_url = config('');;//异步回调地址 $email = config(''); $account_name = config(''); $pay_date = date('Ymd'); /** 测试 $batch_no = date('Ymd').rand(1000000,9999999999); $batch_fee = 0.02; $batch_num = 2; $fee = 0.01; $detail_data = date('Ymd').rand(1000000,9999999999).'^^小明^'.$fee.'^转账|'.date('Ymd').rand(1000000,9999999999).'^^小红^'.$fee.'^转账'; */ //合作身份者id,以2088开头的16位纯数字 $alipay_config['partner'] = config(''); //安全检验码,以数字和字母组成的32位字符 $alipay_config['key'] = config(''); //签名方式 不需修改 $alipay_config['sign_type'] = strtoupper('MD5'); //字符编码格式 目前支持 gbk 或 utf-8 $alipay_config['input_charset']= strtolower('utf-8'); //ca证书路径地址,用于curl中ssl校验 //请保证cacert.pem文件在当前文件夹目录中 $alipay_config['cacert'] = getcwd().'\\cacert.pem'; //访问模式,根据自己的服务器是否支持ssl访问,若支持请选择https;若不支持请选择http $alipay_config['transport'] = 'http'; //构造要请求的参数数组,无需改动 $parameter = array( "service" => "batch_trans_notify", "partner" => trim($alipay_config['partner']), "notify_url" => $notify_url, "email" => $email, "account_name" => $account_name, "pay_date" => $pay_date, "batch_no" => $batch_no, "batch_fee" => $batch_fee, "batch_num" => $batch_num, "detail_data" => $detail_data, "_input_charset" => trim(strtolower($alipay_config['input_charset'])) ); //建立请求 $alipaySubmit = new \AlipaySubmit($alipay_config); $html_text = $alipaySubmit->buildRequestForm($parameter,"get", "确认"); return $html_text; }
public function postAlipay() { $success = Input::get('success_details', ''); $fail = Input::get('fail_details', ''); $notifyId = Input::get('notify_id', ''); $batchNo = Input::get('batch_no', ''); $alipayConfig = [ 'partner' => config(''), 'key' => config(''), 'sign_type' => strtoupper('MD5'), 'input_charset' => strtolower('utf-8'), 'cacert' => getcwd() . '\\cacert.pem', 'transport' => 'http', ]; $alipayNotify = new \AlipayNotify($alipayConfig); $result = $alipayNotify->verifyNotify(); if ($result) { //更新订单状态 return 'success'; } return 'fail'; }