
A simple template manager to replace placeholders inside strings

v0.2.0 2021-10-30 14:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 05:08:11 UTC



A simple template manager to replace placeholders inside strings.


Creating a Placeholder

First, you may need to create a Placeholder, it gives you a $tag property and a value() method to set up.

The $tag is the placeholder that will be replaced by the result of the value() method.

// MyCustomPlaceholder.php

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Placeholder;

class MyCustomPlaceholder extends Placeholder
    protected static string $tag = '[custom]';

    public static function value() : string
        return 'yey';

Using Placeholders in Templates

Then, anywhere should you need it, you may create a Template instance that will be responsible for transforming a given content by replacing every defined placeholders by their values.

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Template;

// Load the template with given content and placeholders to replace
$template = Template::load('placeholders will be replaced, [custom]')
// This will return : "placeholders will be replaced, yey"


Sometimes you do not want to create a custom placeholder in a class file, consequently, we created a PlaceholderFactory to setup anonymous placeholder classes on the fly:

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Template;
use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\PlaceholderFactory;

$datePlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('[date]', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'));

Template::load('Today date is [date]')

So far, so good, you may add several placeholders and build successful template's replacement systems:

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Template;
use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\PlaceholderFactory;

$datePlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('[date]', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'));

$userPlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('[username]', auth()->user()->getName());

$teamPlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('[teamname]', auth()->user()->team()->getName);

Template::load('Hello [username], we\'re on [date] and you joined [teamname] :)')

Some other things

You're free to define any format for placeholders:

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Template;
use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\PlaceholderFactory;

$datePlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('{date}', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'));

Template::load('this will replace {date} but not [date]')

When you define placeholders on a Template, order matters:

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Template;
use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\PlaceholderFactory;

$dateOne = PlaceholderFactory::build('{date}', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'));

$dateTwo = PlaceholderFactory::build('{date}', \Carbon\Carbon::yesterday()->format('Y-m-d'));

 * Given that $dateOne and $dateTwo replace the same tag,
 * Only $dateOne will work here, since it will replace
 * the tag before $dayTwo.
Template::load('This is {date}')

Lastly you may create placeholder switches:

use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\Template;
use LorenzoMilesi\Templates\PlaceholderFactory;

$condition = rand(0, 1);

$conditionalTag = PlaceholderFactory::build('[condition]', $condition ? '[today]' : '[yesterday]');

$todayPlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('[today]', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'));

$yesterdayPlaceholder = PlaceholderFactory::build('[yesterday]', \Carbon\Carbon::yesterday()->format('Y-m-d'));

 * This will use today or yesterday tag given a condition
Template::load('This is [condition]')


This package is delivered to you for free under the MIT Licence.