
Base class for a simple (ie. basic) configuration settings management.

1.0.2-RC 2016-04-06 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:14:08 UTC


Base class for a simple (ie. basic) configuration settings management.


  • At least PHP 5.3.
  • Loops\Autoloader package.

How to use it:


If you do not have composer, call bootstrap:

  require $path_to_package.'/bootstrap.inc.php';

This library use package-oriented autoloading with a directory for package namespace (PSR-4) and underscore as directory separator for class names (PSR-0).


The \Loops\Config\Base class has been designed to be extended in order to isolate a package/bundle/project/component configuration.

  class MyConfig extends \Loops\Config\Base {}

Magic getter/setter/isset

Then, you should be able to assign/retrieve any setting:

  // set "my_custom_setting"
  MyConfig::getInstance()->my_custom_setting = 'foo';
  MyConfig::getInstance()->setMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );

  // get "my_custom_setting"
  $s = MyConfig::getInstance()->my_custom_setting;
  $s = MyConfig::getInstance()->getMyCustomSetting();
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting();

  // "my_custom_setting" is set?
  isset( MyConfig::getInstance()->my_custom_setting );

  // set "my_custom_setting", if not exists
  MyConfig::getInstance()->defineMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );
  MyConfig::defineMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );


Depending of your setting type, you could prepend/append some values:

  //// array case

  // prepend
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( array( 0 => 'foo0' , 1 => 'bar1' ) );
  MyConfig::prependMyCustomSetting( array( 0 => 'bar0' , 2 => 'foo2' ) );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to array( 'bar0' , 'bar1' , 'foo2' )

  // append
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( array( 0 => 'foo0' , 1 => 'bar1' ) );
  MyConfig::appendMyCustomSetting( array( 0 => 'bar0' , 2 => 'foo2' ) );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to array( 'foo0' , 'bar1' , 'foo2' )
  //// string case

  // prepend
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );
  MyConfig::prependMyCustomSetting( 'bar' );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to 'bar'.PATH_SEPARATOR.'foo'

  // append
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );
  MyConfig::appendMyCustomSetting( 'bar' );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to 'foo'.PATH_SEPARATOR.'bar'

  // prepend with custom separator
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );
  MyConfig::prependMyCustomSetting( 'bar' , '|' );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to 'bar|foo'

  // append with custom separator
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 'foo' );
  MyConfig::appendMyCustomSetting( 'bar' , '|' );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to 'foo|bar'
  //// integer case

  // prepend
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 4 );
  MyConfig::prependMyCustomSetting( 2 );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to 6 (4|2)

  // append
  MyConfig::setMyCustomSetting( 4 );
  MyConfig::appendMyCustomSetting( 2 );
  $s = MyConfig::getMyCustomSetting(); // result to 6 (4|2)


Useful method to dump/load current configuration.

  // dump
  $s = MyConfig::->getInstance()->dump();

  // load
  MyConfig::->getInstance()->load( $s );


Number in property name

You may encounter issue with the camelize/underscore transformation, especially in theses cases:

  // 'my_setting1' => 'MySetting1' => 'my_setting_1'
  $s = MyConfig::underscore( MyConfig::camelize( 'my_setting1' ) ); // result to 'my_setting_1'

  // 'my2_setting' => 'My2Setting' => 'my_2_setting'
  $s = MyConfig::underscore( MyConfig::camelize( 'my2_setting' ) ); // result to 'my_2_setting'

There is no way to logically determine if it is better to keep underscores before number or not, so be aware of that behavior.

append/prepend empty string

For now, the append/prepend method append/prepend empty string (the developer may have a good reason to do it).

  MyConfig::setMySetting1( 'a' );
  MyConfig::appendMySetting1( '' );
  $s = MyConfig::getMySetting1(); // result to 'a'.PATH_SEPARATOR

  MyConfig::setMySetting1( 'a' );
  MyConfig::prependMySetting1( '' );
  $s = MyConfig::getMySetting1(); // result to PATH_SEPARATOR.'a'


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