
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Shopify plugin for CakePHP

v1.2.4 2021-06-10 14:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-09-21 14:34:52 UTC


A shopify plugin that interacts with shopify api


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

$ composer require long-blade/shopify-plugin

Last, you need to load the plugin to your project!

// src/Application.php in bootstrap() method


Site object

In order to interact with the plugin you need to create a site object with the minimum require data.

use Shopify\Model\Site;

$siteId = 0; // a unique id (it can be the id of the entry in a database table)
$site = new Site('hostname', 'apiKey', 'apiPassword', $siteId);

This object is injected to the constructor on each resource class.

use Shopify\Model\Site;
$site = new Site('hostname', 'apiKey', 'apiPassword', 0);

// Then use this object for any resource, for example:
use Shopify\Resource\Products;
$products = new Products($site);


###Shop The resource lets you retrieve information about the store but doesn't let you update any information.

use Shopify\Model\Site;
$site = new Site('hostname', 'apiKey', 'apiPassword', 0);

use Shopify\Resource\Shop;
$shop = new Shop($site);

// Then we perform a simple get request by chaining the getResource method
$shopInfo = $shop->getResource();

Response will be an array. Shop properties

###Product The Product resource lets you update and create products in a merchant's store.

use Shopify\Resource\Products;
$productsResource = new Products($site);

How to fetch info about products:

//Retrieves a list of products
$products = $productsResource->getResource();

//Retrieves a single product
$product = $productsResource->getById(0102040506);

//Retrieves a list of product variants
$product = $productsResource->getVariantsForProduct(0102040506);

How to create a new Product:

$productData = [
    'title' => 'This is a product title',
    'description' => 'This is a product description'

$product = new \Shopify\Model\Product($productData);

//Creates a new product by passing the product object created.

You can also export to json file the response of a product query like so:

// $productsResource = new Products($site);
$productsResource->export(['products' => [...]]);

This will export the response object to a json file in a location specified in the Shopify/config/bootstrap.php file:

'export' => [
        'path' => RESOURCES . 'json' . DS,
        'file_type' => 'json',
        'lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 3, // The lifetime which a file is consider to be old

###Inventory An inventory level represents the available quantity of an inventory item at a specific location.

How to Set availability for a product:

$inventory = [
    'location_id' => 987654321, // The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to.
    'inventory_item_id' => 123456789, // The ID of the inventory item that the inventory level belongs to.
    'available' => 10 // The quantity of inventory items available for sale.
$inventory = new \Shopify\Model\Inventory($inventory); // Create the entity;
$inventoryResource = new \Shopify\Resource\InventoryLevels($site);

How to Adjust the available quantity of an inventory item by 5 at a single location:

$inventory = [
    'location_id' => 987654321, // The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to.
    'inventory_item_id' => 123456789, // The ID of the inventory item that the inventory level belongs to.
    'available_adjustment' => 5 // The amount to adjust the available inventory quantity. Send negative values to subtract from the current available quantity.
$inventory = new \Shopify\Model\Inventory($inventory); // Create the entity;
$inventoryResource = new \Shopify\Resource\InventoryLevels($site);

###Order An order is a customer's completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop.

How to Retrieve a list of orders:

$orders = new Shopify\Resource\Orders($site);
// All orders
$allOrdersWithoutPagination = $orders->getPaginatedResource();

// All orders since Id:
$ordersSinsId= $orders->getOrdersSinceId(3692914802743);

###Smart Collections

The Collect resource is used to connect a product to a smart collection. However, these collects can't be added or removed from the API as they're managed by the rules of the smart collection.

How to get the collection a product belongs to:

use Shopify\Resource\SmartCollections;
$smrtCollections = new SmartCollections($site);

// This will return an array containing all the collections a product belongs to.
$collection = $smrtCollections->get(['product_id' => '12345678'])->getResource('smart_collections');
