
v0.0.8 2019-10-26 11:22 UTC


php artisan module:update php artisan migrate

admins routes prefix required, works best with inspania theme, minimum bootstrap 4 required


For Congifuration you can fire

  • php artisan vendor:publish and select appropriate option which will generate file named config/rightsmanagement.php with variables
  • You can generate file manually at config/rightsmanagement.php here are the list of
    return [
        'name' => 'RightsManagement',
        'routePrefix' => 'admins', // no trailing slash required
        'authGuard' => 'admin',
        'layoutIncludes' => 'admin.include' // no trailing fullstop required

In Your Admin Model

please add use HasRoles; to your model

use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles;
class Admin extends Authenticatable
    use HasRoles;

For Dev of this package

for versioning replace X with next version git tag vX.X.X git push origin vX.X.X