
Logiks Framework Core

Installs: 8

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Stars: 8

Watchers: 3

Forks: 9

Open Issues: 2



v4.5 2022-05-13 23:59 UTC


GitHub version GitHub issues Software license

Logiks 4.1 is now fully compatible with PHP 7.0

Logiks Framework is an open source high-performance web application building platform. It applies RAD principles along with agile concepts for building and deploying web based PHP projects basically AppSites. Logiks is basically built around SRTP principle of project development with prime concern being Developer's ease of creating projects.

Logiks has an active developer team and community, bringing great value to the project. In addition to keeping you from wheel-reinventing, using Logiks means your application’s core is well tested and is being constantly improved.

Instead of reinventing the wheel every time you begin a new project, check out a apps from https://github.com/LogiksApps and get started with the logic of your application.

Quick list of features:

  • Flexible MIT licensing
  • Compatible with versions PHP 5.6.0 and greater
  • API first approach, start by building and integrating great API
  • Integrated database interaction
  • Application scaffolding
  • Code Hooks, get under the skin fast
  • Page-Module-Service architecture
  • Request dispatcher with clean, custom URLs and routes
  • Built-in validation
  • Fast and flexible templating (PHP syntax, with helpers)
  • View helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML forms and more
  • Email, cookie, security, session, and request handling Components
  • Flexible ACL
  • Data sanitization
  • Flexible caching
  • Localization
  • Great 3rd Party Integration
  • Multi Development Language Supported : NodeJS, Python for extendibility
  • Works from any web site directory, with little Apache configuration involved

Server Requirments

  • PHP 7.0+
  • Supported Servers : Apache/Web Server with .htaccess capabilities
  • Supported OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Server, CentOS, Any Linux
  • Supported DBs: Mysql, MariaDB, SQLite, APIDB (MongoDB, ElasticSearch, many more)
  • Memcached/Redis/File System For caching (Optional)

PHP Extensions Required

  • Curl Libs

PHP.ini Configurations

  • Make sure you turn off notices in your php.ini file:
  • error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
  • Insure that you have set session.save_path to a valid directory
  • Ensure that short_open_tag = On

Apache Mods Required

  • mod_rewrite
  • mod_headers
  • mod_expires (optional)
  • mod_deflate (optional)

Optional PHP Extensions

  • SQLite3 Libs
  • GD Libs
  • Memcached Libs
  • Redis Libs

More ...


Complete installation instruction can be found at https://github.com/Logiks/Logiks-Core/wiki/Installation


Open Source MIT. Please visit the License Agreement Page Of http://openlogiks.org/license/logiks. This project uses some other open source projects, please find their descriptions at OpenLogiks License Page.


These are plain source code of/part of the complete working project. (We are currently restructuring our websites, will be back soon)