
LocalBitcoins -- A library to interact with localbitcoins.com through laravel. localbitcoins.com is a cryptocurrency exchange where anyone can purchase/sell cryptocurrency

dev-master 2020-11-05 01:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 22:01:33 UTC


Interact with localbitcoins.com usng this package localbitcoin/endpoints


using composer.json file

Add this to your required dependency object

"localbitcoin/endpoints": "*"

Or alternatively, through composer dependency manager

composer require localbitcoin/endpoints

After successfull installation, register the service provider in providers/app.php


and then,

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Localbitcoin\Endpoints\LocalBtcServiceProvider"

It will create a file named localbtc.php inside the config folder. You can directly add your API keys there. But I suggest you to create two environment variables in your .env file as following.

API_AUTH_KEY= public key here
API_AUTH_SECRET= private key here


After installation, you can now use the following namespace to access API methods.

use Localbitcoin\Endpoints\Localbtc;

and after that Localbtc class can be accessed by instantiating the class object.

$localbtc = new Localbtc();


After instantiating the Localbtc class object, you just need to call methods for different endpoints as


Methods follow the following naming conventions. Access them like below. To return all ads of the authenticated user. Here's the url in official documention at localbitcoins.com


To use the method for advertisements, capitalise the first letter of ads and use the method


In some cases, URL is having a hyphen like


To resolve this, access the Method like


In case, there are some missing methods for certain endpoints, to implement the functionality you can use the Query method like this.

return $this->Query('api-endpoint-url','','',array(optional-parameters));

As for /api/ads-get

return $this->Query('/api/ad-get/','','', array('ads'=>$ad_id));


Pagination isn't tested at this point. Feel free to contribute to this repository.


Email me at malikhassan053@gmail.com