lmihaylov / pass-generator
A simple and elegant PHP password generator for either browser and console environments.
- php: >=7.0.0
Useful tool for generating password which can be running in either browser and console environments. It can be customize in each aspects: symbols types, length, allowed minimum and maximum sizes and patterns for characters group.
- installed PHP version >= 7.0
- Composer dependency tool
- Node.js plus NPM package manager
- Bower CLI
- Grunt CLI
All demos (for console and browsers) are located in "demo" directory. The examples for each of them are following:
The package's consumers can modify all kind of configuration options. They may customize password length plus minimum and maximum sizes. The available configuration options are:
- upperCase: use alphabet upper letters [A-Z]
- lowerCase: use alphabet lower letters [a-z]
- digits: all numbers [0-9]
- special: special symbols ~, !, @, #, ...
- brackets: all kind of brackets (, ), {, }, [, ]
- minus: minus sign -
- underline: underline sign _
- space: space character ' '
- length: define password string size (symbols count)
It is allowed to change the characters pattern for specific group type (upperCase, lowerCase, etc) via "Storage" static class.
Lachezar Mihaylov Contact: me@lacho-portfolio.com